Black Lives Matter protests continue into their third month in many cities across the US as federal agents drew down their presence in Portland, Oregon last week after a widely condemned violent crackdown on the demonstrators. For weeks, Portland activists have protested racial inequities in the criminal justice system. The Portland police chief stepped down and the Portland City Council slashed the police budget by millions. The Multnomah County district attorney stepped down five months early to make room for his reform-minded successor. The governor also called a special legislative session to address demands for police accountability.
Portland police and city leaders openly struggled with how to respond to nightly havoc wrought by a smaller core of demonstrators. The White House sent federal marshals to Portland to quell the protests. As the number of videos of excessive force used by federal marshals against peaceful protestors began to circulate on social media, so did the size of the protests. Tensions escalated after an officer with the Marshals Service fired a less-lethal round at protester Donavan La Bella’s head on July 11, critically injuring him.
Videos of La Bella’s assault and others prompted the Wall of Moms, a group of approximately 40 women, some pregnant, who first attended the protests in Portland to help protect protestors from the violence they had seen in their own city. Now, the Wall of Moms has grown to over 14,000 and they have popped up at protests in Boston, Chicago, Washington DC and many other cities across the US.
When videos out of Portland began circulating showing the Wall of Moms being sprayed in the face with tear gas while standing with arms interlocked in front of protestors, the Wall of Dads emerged, armed with leaf blowers to blow the tear gas away. The violence continued and video of navy veteran Christopher David emerged, showing him being pepper sprayed and repeatedly struck with a baton by a marshal when he walked up to them to ask a question. David suffered a fractured hand that will require surgery.
Within a week of David’s assault going viral, a new wall, the Wall of Veterans joined the frontlines in Portland to curb the violence by federal marshals. Their numbers swelled and they were soon joined by other burgeoning groups — green-shirted Teachers Against Tyrants, the pizza-box carrying ChefBloc, the Wall of Nurses, health-care workers in scrubs and Lawyers for Black Lives, who turned up at the protest in suits and ties.
Michelle Heisler, the medical director of Physicians for Human Rights said that typically, police fire the tear gas or pepper spray agent once or twice to clear crowds and encourage people to move away from an area, but in Portland, federal agents have been unleashing the chemicals repeatedly for hours. This sustained cascade makes it difficult for peaceful demonstrators to avoid being hit and runs the risk of ensnaring bystanders in the area.
The Marshal Service has acknowledged only the two instances of excessive force that were caught on video and are currently under internal review by the agency involving La Bella and David. Marshals and other law enforcement agencies have been criticized for their use of tear gas and other irritants on protestors. A representative for the Marshal service said they are defending themselves against coordinated attacks by a smaller group of organized protestors that stay behind after the peaceful protestors leave.
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The death toll from Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases has surpassed 3,000 with the number of cases reaching over 90,000. While 51,000 people who have contracted the illness have since recovered, the head of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) said that the global mortality rate for Covid-19 was 3.4 percent, a figure that primarily reflects the outbreak in China, where the vast majority of cases have been detected.
The organization’s director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said at a news conference that Covid-19 is deadlier than the seasonal flu but did not transmit as easily. Dr. Tedros said. “By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1 percent of those infected.” He added “While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, Covid-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity,” meaning more people can be infected and some will suffer severe illnesses, Dr. Tedros said. The coronavirus does not transmit as efficiently as the flu but “causes more severe disease.”
While the prospect of being infected with a new virus can be frightening, the CDC warns that the symptoms to look out for are fever, coughing and shortness of breath. These symptoms usually appear between two days and two weeks of exposure to the virus. According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, as many as 98% of COVID-19 patients have a fever, between 76% and 82% have a dry cough, and 11% to 44% report exhaustion and fatigue.
The disease appears to become more severe with age, with the 30 to 79 year-old age range predominating the detected cases in Wuhan. The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can range from very mild to severe. People who are older or have existing medical conditions, such as heart disease, may be at higher risk of serious illness. This is similar to what is seen with other respiratory illnesses, such as influenza.
It’s unclear exactly how contagious the new coronavirus is but it appears to be spreading from person to person among those in close contact. It may be spread by respiratory droplets released when someone with the virus coughs or sneezes. Although there is no vaccine available to prevent infection with the new coronavirus, you can take steps to reduce your risk of infection. Although there is no vaccine available to prevent infection with the new coronavirus, you can take steps to reduce your risk of infection. WHO and CDC recommend following the standard precautions for avoiding respiratory viruses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth if your hands aren’t clean.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
- Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you’re sick.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces you often touch.
- Stay home from work, school and public areas if you’re sick.
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The administration has granted clemency to three controversial military figures embroiled in charges of war crimes, arguing the moves will give troops “the confidence to fight” without worrying about potential legal overreach. Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, convicted of 2nd degree murder in the death of two Afghans, was given a full pardon. Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who faced murder charges for a similar crime, was also given a full pardon for those alleged offenses. Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Gallagher, who earlier this year was acquitted of a string of alleged war crimes, had his rank restored to Chief Petty Officer.
Critics have warned the pardons could send the message that troops need not worry about following rules of engagement when fighting enemies abroad. Lorance’s case dates back to a 2012 deployment to Afghanistan, when he ordered his soldiers to fire on three unarmed men riding a motorcycle near their patrol. Members of his platoon testified against him at a court-martial trial, describing him as over-zealous and the Afghans as posing no real threat. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Golsteyn’s case had not yet been decided, with a scheduled trial date in December on charges he murdered an alleged Taliban bomb maker, and burned his remains in a trash pit during a 2010 deployment with 3rd Special Forces Group. Golsteyn, an Army Green Beret major, had pled not guilty to murder and related charges. His pardon effectively puts an end to that legal case before any verdicts were rendered.
While Gallagher was acquitted of murder and obstruction of justice charges in July, a panel of his peers recommended he be reduced in grade for posing with the body of the teenaged detainee, a crime he never denied. His rank was restored with the pardon but the Navy plans to remove Chief Gallagher from the elite SEAL team despite the pardon. It’s been reported that several top military officials threatened to resign if Navy officials did not move forward with these plans despite the pardon.
Chief Gallagher was accused of multiple offenses during his final deployment to Iraq and during the Battle for Mosul. The most prominent and disturbing accusation was the murder of a prisoner of war, a war crime. A captured young ISIS fighter was being treated by a medic. According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio “he’s mine” and walked up to the medic and prisoner. Without saying a word to the medic or prisoner, Gallagher killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photographs of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messaged a fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation “Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”
Gallagher was also accused of being indiscriminate, reckless and bloodthirsty during his 2017 deployment. Fellow snipers did not consider him to be a good sniper because he would allegedly take random shots into buildings and indiscriminately spray neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region. Several snipers testified that they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher was allegedly known for boasting about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.
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A Milwaukee man faces a felony hate-crime charge for an alleged acid attack on a man who says he was targeted for his Latino identity and left with second-degree burns. Clifton Blackwell, 61, has been charged with first-degree reckless injury in a hate crime using a dangerous weapon. Reckless injury carries up to 25 years in prison and $100,000 in fines. Prosecutors are pursuing hate crime and dangerous weapon enhancements charges which means Blackwell could face stiffer penalties, including up to 10 more years’ imprisonment.
At a news conference the day after the assault, Mahud Villalaz, 42, said he parked his truck outside a restaurant at 8:30 p.m. and began to walk toward it to have dinner when a man at a nearby bus stop approached him and chastised him for parking in a bus lane. Villalaz said, the man asked why he’d “invaded” the United States and said “Why don’t you respect my laws?”
Realizing he was parked too close to a bus stop, Villalaz moved his truck to another spot and headed toward the restaurant. Blackwell re-engaged him saying “Why did you invade my country?” calling Villalaz an “illegal” and cursing at him while telling him to “go back.” He told Blackwell that “everyone comes from somewhere first” and pointed out that “American Indians have been in the country the longest,” court filings state. Villalaz said that’s when Blackwell got angry and tossed the acid, which was in a small silver bottle, in his face. The attack was caught on surveillance video.
Villalaz was taken to the hospital with second-degree burns to his face, cheek and neck, as well as damage to his clothing, according to police. Testing showed that acid caused the injuries. The attack took place just outside the restaurant doors. Witnesses say Villalaz, a regular at the restaurant, burst through the doors crying with his face searing with acid. The restaurant staff tried everything to wash the acid from his face until paramedics arrived.
Villalaz, who says he grew up in Peru and immigrated to the United States as a young man – became a citizen in 2013. He said he felt relieved charges were filed and thankful at the nationwide support he’s gotten. “It’s been nice to know that there are many people here that worry about other people. Not only Latinos … people of all colors. We must unite,” Villalaz said.
During a search of Blackwell’s home, police found hydrochloric acid, four bottles of sulfuric acid and two bottles of drain opener made of lye, according to court documents. Blackwell’s bond has been set at $20,000 on the condition that he wears an electronic monitoring device. He is also forbidden from contact with acids or large batteries. Court records indicate Blackwell has previously been convicted of false imprisonment and pointing a gun at a person.
According to the criminal complaint, on Nov. 19 2006, Blackwell confronted four men, two with rifles, who had come onto his farm tracking deer in the Town of Lawrence. Blackwell pointed a loaded rifle at the men and told them to disarm, then marched them back to his house where he photographed their faces and hunting tags. He told them they were guilty of criminal trespass and called the sheriff’s office but wound up charged himself. Prosecutors dropped one of each of the charges, and Blackwell pleaded no contest to one count each of pointing a firearm and false imprisonment. He was sentenced to 379 days in jail. Blackwell’s mother said he had served in the Marine Corps during the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989 and had moved back to Wisconsin for treatment for PTSD type problems. Officials with the Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs office in Virginia said it could find no record of Blackwell ever serving in the Marines.
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A suspect has been arrested after four homeless men were killed and one was critically injured when they were attacked in New York City early Saturday morning. Police said Randy Rodriguez-Santos, 24, who is homeless, wielded a 15-pound metal pipe and apparently attacked the men randomly as they slept on the sidewalks of Lower Manhattan’s Chinatown. Santos is reportedly also homeless and has struggled with addiction. He is charged with four counts of murder, one count of attempted murder and unlawful possession of marijuana.
Police responded to reports of an assault in progress at Doyers Street and Bowery around 2:10 a.m. and found two men with head wounds. One victim was pronounced dead at the scene and another was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Over the next hour, police discovered additional victims in the area, two men were found outside of 2 East Broadway and another was found outside of 17 East Broadway.
Two witnesses told responding officers that the suspect was wearing a black jacket and black pants, which helped police find him quickly just a few streets away. Rodriguez-Santos was apprehended a few blocks from the scene of the attacks and the weapon was recovered nearby. The attacks left blood splattered on the doorways and sidewalks where the men had been sleeping.
The victims, whose ages range from 48 to 83, were bludgeoned as they slept on the street. Three of the four men killed were identified Monday, as lawmakers and mourners gathered at an emotional memorial for the men at Chatham Square. Several sidewalk tributes of flowers, candles and food were placed for the men who were allegedly killed by another homeless man as they slept. One of the mourners cried as she recalled the oldest victim, 83-year-old Chuen Kwok, always being grateful for the food she gave him. New York State assembly woman Yuh-Line Niou choked back tears as she spoke on the mens’ deaths. “If the change isn’t now, after this, I don’t know when it is.”
The medical examiner’s office later confirmed his identity and those of two other victims: 55-year-old Nazario Vazquez Villegas and 49-year-old Anthony Manson. Santos was arraigned on charges of murder and attempted murder for the bloody rampage. He did not enter a plea and was ordered held without bail. Police officials said Santos has been arrested 14 times, some of those for assault, including one in May for an alleged assault at a Brooklyn homeless shelter.
The suspect’s mother, Fioraliza Rodriguez, 55, told news outlets she had kicked him out about three years ago. He struggled with drugs, assaulted her and his grandfather, and stole from the family, she said. “I never thought he would kill someone,” she said. “I was afraid of him, though, because he punched me. That’s when I told him to get out of my house.”
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In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, July 8th, 2018 was:
Madison VA
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Sunney Michelle Johnson
Melissa Ann Stura-Basset
Jill Nauyokas
Karen Rimiller Presley
Ashley Agner
Jeanine Jones
Mary Bubel Smith
Nicole Blaha
Jessica Miller
Annette Broxton
Amanda Peters
Laura Del Robertson Dougherty
Jessica Davis
Be Schwerin
Diane Hamric
Christy Martinez
Debbie Gremlin
Helen Saez Deverter
Audessa Vaught
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Debbie Gremlin
Jenifer Garza
Marie Beauregard
Vinessa Vasquez
Deborah Farris
Jill Nauyokas
Jennifer Lee Clack
Diane Hamric
Audessa Vaught
Ashley Agner
Tonya Velazquez
April Ashcraft
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Melissa White
Jennifer Cameron
Jane Peterson
Nai Merri
Dawn Raasch
Kathleen Marks
Amanda Nicole Young
Wilma Mast
Becky Holland
Karen Brunet Moore
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Nacole Patrick
Deborah Farris
Pheobe Gerou
Jessica Massaway
Bea Patrick
Sheila Carvell
Jennifer Downing
Jennifer Marie
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Be Schwerin
Christina Domingue
Jessica Miller
Tiffany Borek
Alexis Maureen
Sandra Chesney
Andrew W Sauer
Wilma Mast
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Sandra Chesney
Ann Patrick
Brittany Light
Jennifer Lee Clack
Alyssa DiFazio
Trish Hysell
April Walrath
Deborah Farris
Wendi Black
Ang Richards
Kathleen Hickman
Lindsey McCoy
Toi Minifield
Brandi K Chaney
Lisa Bloomberg Wahl
Trish Musgrave
Tony L Smoaks
Nacole Patrick
Jill Nauyokas
Melissa White
Debbie Gremlin
Cyndi Jansheski
Tracy Shafer
Bea Patrick
Ann Patrick
Jenifer Garza
Hunter Coffey
Maria Bouchard
Brooke Scott
Rhona Nicholson
Brittany Light
Jennifer Marie
Kristina Harris
April Denise Council-Redmond
Susanne Killion
Murphy Mya
Marie Beauregard
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Beth Embrey
Mary Pettiford
Lori Capobianco
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Angela Janisse
April Ashcraft
Kiki Roberson
Amanda Saltsman
Jennifer Zarafino-Griffiths
Brittany Light
Beth Embrey
Bre Kershaw
Samantha Brwn
MaryAnn G. Ball
Lori Capobianco
Trish Musgrave
Priscilla Shimp
Angel Shearl
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Alyssa DiFazio
Christy Martinez
Eleazar Ruiz
Stephanie Beckwith
Christy Martinez
Wendi Black
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Kristina Rosson
Tanya Holmes
Jennifer Lee Clack
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Trish Musgrave
Alicia Dansby
Ashley Stamey Phillip
Sheri Boydston
Mike Adamski
Susanne Killion
Stephanie Girard
Teena Sierson
Kimberly Snyder
Tina Auth
Brenda Hartwig
Pheobe Gerou
Nai Merri
Hunter Coffey
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Ashley Agner
Heather Marocco
Deborah Eikenberry Nickelson
Marcy Coull
Angela Janisse

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
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In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, February 5th, 2017 was:
Boyne Falls, MI
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans of either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Brittany Deaver
Carol Scheive
Dawn Raasch
Sherri Kidwell
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Karen Hacker Lewis
Mary Ann Cody
Holly Cajigas
Lisa Puckett
Melissa Barnes Walker
Erica Hansen
Kristin Yergey
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Alexandria Tinnon
Melissa Turner Baker
Tammy Alcorta
Jennie Gallagher
Adaria Johnson
Mya Murphy
Pamela White Brearley
Tabitha Sinks
Sandy Nevels
Jennifer Kinner
Cheryl Hall
Kendra George
Paula Rivers
Mary Achio
Alexandra Vindiola
Christine Acoba
Brittany Deaver
Raquel Munoz Navarro
Darrell Skarvan
Heather Jacques
Megan Akins
Brandi Chaney
Jennifer Kinner
Susanne Killion
Sheila Carvell
Lotorya Patrick
Paula M Bondy
Sheila Carvell
Terri Llexxes
Juanita Williams-Jones
Thomas Ryan
Kendra George
Cheryl Hall
Jakara Jackson
Kassi Krick-King
Michelle Hughes
Priscilla Shimp
Anna Ashley Pinder
Mary Achio
Dawn Raasch
Dana Marie Germain
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Ashley Agner
Thomas Ryan
Kristina Harris
Crystal Young
Sheila Carvell
Brenda Casey
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Samantha Brwn Ramos
Cheyenne Shaw
Jade Good
Kathleen Hickman
Michelle Hughes
Jennifer Saavedra
Anna Nichols
Glenna Zanaglio
Preeti Chand
Melissa Turner Baker
Paula Rousseau
Heather Marie Stacy
Kendra George
Kimberly Snyder
Christy Hawkes
Darbie Brown
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Wayne Gallas
Dena Baji
Kayla Clemons
Misty Shallcross
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Angel Anderson
Phyllis Hines
Mya Murphy
Preeti Chand
Annette French
Beth Cleveland
Trish Hysell
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Kayla Hernandez
Alisa Jones
Adaria Johnson
Raquel Munoz Navarro
Wizdom Norwood-Goins
Christine Acoba
Mary Alice Ford
Lezlie Earley
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Jennifer Sparks
Chrissy Kim
Carla S-Paige Williams
Terri Llexxes
Angela Nicole
Crystal Young
Kayla Clemons
Ashley Oshier
Angelique Drummond
Mya Murphy
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Paula Rousseau
Megan Akins
Stephanie Beckwith
Lotorya Patrick
Kristina Harris
Jennifer Downing
Kimberly Foster
Beth Cleveland
Nitasha Shank
Amy Chavis
Georgiann D’Angelo
Mary Achio
Lisa Wright
Brandy Marie Williams
Misty Shallcross
Sheila Carvell
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Mary Achio
Jennifer Ramlet
Christy Hawkes
Joanie Waterman
Ashley Agner
Jade Good
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Brandi Chaney
Becca Dotsun
Kimberly Foster
Brandy Marie Williams
Jennifer Downing
Crystal Young
Brenda Casey
Tina Marie
Andrea Timms

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. You may also find that if you “Like” both of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
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