A US oncologist gave an extraordinary gift to his past patients by forgiving $650,000 in medical bills for cancer treatments. In February of 2020, the clinic Dr. Atik practiced out of closed due to staffing shortages. At the time, there was close to $650,000 outstanding patient debt on the books. Dr. Atik attributed the large sum to the fact that no patient was ever denied treatment, regardless of whether or not they could pay.
After the clinic closed last year, Dr. Atik attempted to settle the debts. He soon realized that many of the people he’d treated didn’t have the means to pay—especially with so much added financial hardship brought on by the coronavirus pandemic—so with the blessing of his wife, Mehreen, he decided to forgive the outstanding debt.
“My wife and I, as a family, we thought about it and looked at forgiving all the debt… We saw that we could do it and then just went ahead and did it.” Dr. Atik said. It was one final way for Dr. Atik to show kindness and compassion to patients that he had always considered it an honor and privilege to treat. The week of Christmas, Dr. Atik sent out holiday cards to nearly 200 of his former patients that read:
“The Arkansas Cancer Clinic was proud to have you as a patient. Although various health insurances pay most of the bills for the majority of patients, even the deductibles and co-pays can be burdensome. The clinic has decided to forego all balances owed to the clinic by its patients.”
Dr. Atik said “We thought there was not a better time to do this than during a pandemic that has decimated homes, people’s lives and businesses and all sorts of stuff. I just hope that it gave them a little sigh of relief and made it easier for them so they could face other challenges they may be facing in their lives.”
Originally from Pakistan, Dr. Atik founded the Arkansas Cancer Clinic in Pine Bluff in 1991, providing treatments including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and CAT scans. He is now a professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. In 2013, he was named president of the Arkansas Medical Society. Five years later, he became chairman-elect of the board of governors of the American College of Physicians. He credits much of his success to being in the right place at the right time. “I believe the opportunities that have come my way are, in part, because of where I am,” he explained.
David Wroten, executive vice president of the Arkansas Medical Society advocacy group, said that Dr Atik had called him “to make sure there was nothing improper” about his idea of forgiving patients’ debt. “If you knew Dr Atik, you would better understand. First, he is one of the smartest doctors I have ever known, but he is also one of the most compassionate doctors I have ever known” Wroten said.
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A moving company announced this month a new commitment to provide free moves to victims of domestic violence and those currently living in abusive situations. Since the recent launch of the program, College HUNKS Hauling Junk & Moving has already completed over 100 free moves for those who are fleeing an unsafe situation in the U.S. and Canada.
This new program was launched after a rise in domestic violence reports across the country during the lockdown. College Hunks co-founder Nick Friedman explained that their company purpose is to make a positive impact on the lives of the people they help. Friedman and his team were motivated to start the domestic violence initiative when they sat down to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis might be affecting those negatively by stay-at-home orders.
They already have a program to help disadvantaged youth in vulnerable situations get access to food. For every completed job they have been donating 2 nutritious meals to Feeding Children Everywhere—with over 1 million meals donated since the program began. They decided they needed to extend their services to domestic violence victims. Friedman said “I definitely think our Free Moves for Survivors of Domestic Violence program sheds light on a really important issue that is not often talked about. As a purpose driven, socially-conscious organization we’re always looking for ways to positively impact our communities—in this case, particularly for those who feel powerless in unhealthy home situations.”
This idea was done 20 years ago, by another moving company, Meathead Movers who began offering free moves to people in abusive homes. Last year, Meathead Movers donated more than $150,000 worth of moving services, partnering with eight domestic violence shelters in Central and Southern California.
Now, College Hunks Hauling is extending the same kind of help across their 131 franchise locations in the U.S. and Canada, offering the use of trucks and labor at no cost. People who need this kind of help should first contact their local domestic violence-prevention shelter to notify them of their situation. A certified domestic violence-prevention shelter will then need to approve and coordinate the no-cost move requests through College HUNKS to ensure that the victim is supported throughout the entire transition.
Once qualifications for the free move are confirmed, the approving shelter works in partnership with College Hunks to execute the move in coordination with their local franchise owner and the local authorities, as needed, for the safety of both the victim and the assisting College HUNKS team. College Hunks has also provided trucks for transporting COVID-19 testing supplies and other medical equipment, for relocating beds and goods from one hospital to another, and delivering water to healthcare workers.
College HUNKS Hauling Junk & Moving was originally founded in 2003 by two college buddies, Omar Soliman and Nick Friedman who began using a beat-up cargo van to haul furniture. H.U.N.K.S. becoming an abbreviation for Honest, Uniformed, Nice, Knowledgeable, Service. Now, it has over 100 franchises supplying full-service, tech-enabled residential and commercial moving, junk removal, donation pickups, and labor services in the United States and Canada.
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Families around the globe have had to adjust to the stresses of the pandemic and it’s always comforting to hear of instances of people helping one another during this unprecedented time. When a single dad in England, Sam Smith, appeared on the BBC Breakfast Show to talk about what it’s like to be confined in a very small living area during the pandemic, Ken and Sheila Sims decided to help.
Everyone has faced challenges during the pandemic but many don’t realize there are families with children out there who are living in small spaces with little to no space to run around. Since lockdown began in England, Sam Smith, 6-year-old Lysander and 3-year-old Zenduel, have been confined to their one-bed apartment on the 15th floor of a high-rise in East London. During the interview, Smith described what it was like sometimes being confined in the apartment 23 hours a day with just 12 steps from one side of the main room to the other—and with local parks closed.
Ken and Sheila Sims were watching the interview from their home on the Devon coast. Ken grew up in a high-rise apartment building as a young boy, and felt especially saddened seeing the difficulties the Smiths were going through. Ken knew all too well the challenges of growing up in a small apartment but he didn’t have to live through a pandemic. Luckily, he knew just how to help and he wasted no time in offering the Smiths a week at their cottage on the English seaside so the family would have some space to play, explore and run.
Sam immediately said yes to the offer and he was touched by the kindness of strangers. “I can’t find the words… ” Sam said at the beach on his family’s Devon vacation. Motioning at the sky and water all around him, at his young sons making sandcastles, he exclaimed, “It’s beautiful!”
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With many unemployed during the pandemic, it’s uplifting to hear about those that have found a way to help others during this stressful time. Brian Schwartz, an advertising executive who lost his job due to the pandemic founded the nonprofit I Want To Mow Your Lawn to help seniors, veterans and the disabled with their lawn maintenance for free.
Schwartz started out small, covering areas in northern New Jersey but he has a vision of helping people on a scale beyond his own part of the country. While he is using his own knowledge to market this idea, he is looking for volunteers from all over to join his crusade. Schwartz welcomes any and all help ranging from kids in school up to professional landscapers.
Schwartz said “It may sound like a bumper sticker, but it’s true: it just feels good to help out, to do something tangible that people need done and can’t quite do themselves, something straight-forward and clean-cut as newly mowed grass. It really is helpful, it makes an immediate difference that people can see, and people are so appreciative because it is free, no strings, no small print, no paperwork at all. We come, we mow, we go.”
The volunteers are the backbone of this non-profit, some also found themselves out of work and looking for some way to give back to their community. Volunteers can have their own shareable profile URL, custom email alias and phone # extension. Any and all help is welcomed, ranging from kids in school up to professional landscapers.
There is no better feeling than helping out someone in need and kindness is contagious. Schwartz is looking to keep growing nationally. Volunteers must have their own landscaping equipment, be able to transport it and be willing to travel within a 5-10-15 mile radius. To volunteer or request free mowing services you can find more information at IWantToMowYourLawn.com or check out the Facebook page.
Schwartz refuses to accept payment or tips, and he says there’s no fine print to this good deed. “I believe in putting some good into the universe. I see what’s going on in the world, and I just want to help.” His decision to not wallow in the loss of his job in a grim job market and instead, find a way to help others is a testament to who he is. He has helped many in his area and given those that want to help those in their community a way to do so.
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One year after the first Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic opened its doors in Charlotte, North Carolina, Jordan and his partner Novant Health have opened a second facility. The North End facility has the same goal of providing vital access to primary and preventive care to individuals who are uninsured or underinsured. Like with the original medical clinic in west Charlotte, which was built with a generous $7 million grant from Michael Jordan, the new one also offers behavioral health and social support services—addressing health equity gaps further exacerbated by COVID-19.
Carl Armato, CEO and president of Novant Health said “Michael Jordan’s commitment to improving the health of our communities, and society, is deep-rooted. The impact of the first clinic has been measurable and if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the importance of having accessible, safe, and quality care in communities that need it most.”
In its first year, the first clinic on Freedom Drive had seen more than 3,350 patients, including more than 450 children. Of those, nearly 700 patients were assisted by the clinic’s full-time social worker with nearly 80 patients being referred for additional behavioral health care. In April, when the clinic transitioned into a respiratory assessment center to meet the communities’ needs for accessible coronavirus screening, testing, treatment and education, they completed 12,584 appointments and performed nearly 14,000 COVID-19 tests.
Jordan said “When we came together to mark the first clinic’s opening last fall, no one could have predicted we would be facing a global pandemic just five months later. I’m so proud of the positive impact our clinic has had on the community so far, especially during COVID-19. Our second clinic will provide critical services to improve the health and lives of more Charlotteans, which is so important to me and to Novant Health.”
Both clinics provide integrative services that includes primary care, behavioral health and social support services. Every patient is screened based on social determinants of health such as how a patient’s socioeconomic status and environment affect their overall health. The 6,800-square-foot clinic at 2701 Statesville Ave. in Charlotte is the same size as the first clinic with 12 exam rooms, an X-ray room and physical therapy space. Both clinics service patients of all ages and thousands of uninsured have already been helped by his efforts, and thousands more will be in the years to come.
Jordan grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina, and went to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been the majority owner of the Charlotte Hornets since 2010. A lack of health care is a major issue affecting millions of people in this country, and Jordan is doing his part to directly address the needs of those less fortunate than him.
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When 57-year-old Lane Unhjem suffered a heart attack while trying to put out a fire on his farm, he never imagined how quickly his rural community would rally to help him. One of his combines, which harvest crops, caught fire while he was working his farm in Crosby, North Dakota. Unjjem had a heart attack while working to put it out and was airlifted to Trinity Medical Center in Minot, North Dakota where he is in critical condition.
Close family friend, Jenna Binde, wanted to organize a group to help out on the farm while Unhjem was recovering. Binde and two local farmers began to organize a harvesting event, but she actually had to do very little to rally the troops. Farmers started calling and asking if they could help,” she said. “Within two hours of him being flown out of Crosby, I had over half the equipment and people already lined up.”
Binde said locals who knew she was close to the Unhjem family reached out to her — she never had to call anyone herself. On September 12, 60 volunteers showed up to the Unhjem farm, bringing 11 combines, six grain carts and 15 semis with them. “We live in a pretty rural area, so anyone within 10 miles can be considered a neighbor. Most were within 10 miles but others traveled farther than that because they are good friends with the Unhjems and wanted to pitch in.”
Most of the volunteers were farmers or their farm hands, she said. Unhjem already had his peas harvested before his heart attack but the group spent over seven hours on his durum wheat and canola crops. “The volunteers that came that day did more than just volunteer their time. They all had their own fields to still harvest but they selflessly put that behind them and made the Unhjems a priority that day.” Binde said. “The family is super thankful and it saved them a lot of headache and frustration of trying to figure out how they would get their crops off without Lane or a combine,” she said. “It was a pretty remarkable day and I was so happy to be a part of it.”
Binde said she didn’t think the gesture was a big deal. “This is just what we do around here when someone in our community is in need of help. What seems completely normal and natural to us here, unfortunately isn’t the case across the nation. I hope others read this story and forget about all the turmoil going on currently and just remember to lend a hand when needed and expect nothing in return. If we could all just do that, we’d be in a better place.”
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Seniors who are social distancing to stay healthy during the pandemic are now gaining much-needed companionship, thanks to the Dreamweaver Foundation which has provided ultra-loud, easy-to-use devices that connect them directly to loved ones using Facebook Portals. Most seniors who received a Portal were connected to loved ones with a clear picture and sound for the first time in months and the grateful reactions have ranged from “tears of joy” to an overwhelming sense of relief.
Founded in 2012, the eight-year-old nonprofit organization usually grants wishes to seniors with chronic or terminal illnesses, like hot-air balloon rides or race car driving. “We still wanted to serve seniors in a special way” said Cheri Mastny, Dreamweaver Foundation executive director. “Many families had been resorting to window visits or calls on smartphones which can be both expensive and difficult for seniors to operate.”
Staying connected has been difficult for everyone during the pandemic, but especially for seniors. The Dreamweaver Foundation’s donations are changing that for hundreds of seniors in the greater Omaha area. “It looks like an 8×10 picture frame,” Mastny said. “The apps come on it and they are super large, so it is very easy to touch, easy to use. It has a big speaker-subwoofer in the back, so the sound that is produced from the Facebook portal makes it easy for someone that is hard of hearing.”
With a Portal, the buttons are super large, so it’s very easy to touch and use. It has a big subwoofer speaker in the back, so the sound is much better for someone who is hard of hearing. Calls can be made seamlessly to and from smartphones and tablets. Staff and families have continued to see the positive impact on seniors that have received Portals. The portals are giving seniors back their independence and family time.
Since seniors began using them, Dreamweaver has been overwhelmed with requests for more, so they launched a fundraising campaign to purchase more of the Portals. The CONNECTING HOPE CAMPAIGN hopes to continue to spread joy to seniors. They are trying to make Portals possible for seniors and their families to create shared memories, despite the distance. Each Portal is $179 and is purchased through donations.
There are other ways to help by making lower donations which help the “Dream Team” deliver tubs full of fun to care facilities during the pandemic. Playing cards, coloring books, crayons, nail polish, building blocks, board games and more have been delivered throughout the pandemic. The organization is also asking for volunteers who can send postcards, make phone calls and letters of love to seniors.
Their mission is made possible with the help and dedication of Dreamweaver Volunteers and they are always looking for more volunteers. You can make a dream come true and enrich the life of a senior in our community simply by giving of your time. Opportunities to volunteer may include being a Greeter, Personal Shopper, Fundraiser, or Dream Maker. The Dreamweaver organization trains all volunteers to provide the best experience possible. Due to their work involving seniors and sensitive information, they require all potential volunteers to complete orientation and training as well as pass a background check.
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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, August 16th, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, August 16th, 2020 was:
Harper, KS
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 8/17/20 thru 8/23/20 are as follows:
Lisa David Carr
Pam Johnson Rowland
Amber McGrath
Beth Embrey
Jessica Steiner
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Alexis Maureen
Kate Williams
Josephine Casey
Geri Rus
Gail Yarbrough
Mike Wallace
Paula Gillespie
Tina Mimick
Melanie Raman
Melissa White
Andrew W Sauer
Lucyna Dorota
Jennifer Ramlet
Dale Fish
Angela Janisse
Amber Chandler
Jan Peoples
Mike Wallace
Brandi Long
April Ashcraft
Jenai Merri
Lesa Moats
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Karen Brunet Moore
Mike Wallace
Thomas Ryan Gan
Susan Clarke Jette
Alicia Johnson
Melinda Dreier
Alexis Maureen
Sheila Carvell
Jan Peoples
Stacy Nelson
Tiffany Borek
Alicia Johnson
Diane Hamric
Kimberly Snyder
Joanie Waterman
Jessica Jenry
Sherry Lilly
Karen Bondehagen
Rhonda Grisham
Brittney Seiler
Sarah Haught
Brandi Long
Tom JG
Sarah Harrison
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Lucyna Dorota
Paula M Bondy
Lena Perry
April Ashcraft
Kathleen Hickman
Andrea Somers
Lena Perry
Amber Chandler
Debbie Nubile
Tiffany Borek
Karron Redfield
Chrissy Kim
Josephine Casey
Shannon Rush
Leigh Reader
Jennifer Ramlet
Stephanie McCoy
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Paula Johnson
Alana Dimambro
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Melodie Thomas
Christina Domingue
Jane Peterson
Dan Maloney
Angela Janisse
Rhonda Grisham
Rosanne Clark
Amanda Rosario
Melinda Dreier
Dean Bruss
Brandi K Chaney
Kim Avery
Alicia Johnson
Alisa Jones
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Kimberly Snyder
April Ashcraft
Karen Brunet Moore
Suzie Mize Lockhart
Josephine Casey
Karen Ann Hinkle
Brooke Scott
Maria Bouchard
Jennifer Ramlet
Brittney Seiler
Adaria Johnson
Jane Peterson
Jodi Stevens
Alana Dimambro
Jenifer Garza
Jennifer Leffler
Angela Janisse
Joanie Waterman
Christina Radcliff
Brittney Dorsey
Jessica Steiner
Trish Hysell
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Karyn Koehler
Amy L Sass
Kristina Harris
Jessica Jenry
Katrina Worford
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Tracy Heyer
Darlene Whyte
Josephine Casey
Paula Johnson
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Kalynnilene Carter
Tessa Davis
Tracy Heyer
Lucyna Dorota
Tonya Velazquez
Mary Ann Cody
Jessica Steiner
Trish Hysell
Kathleen Hickman
Kristina Harris
Brooke Scott
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Debbie Garretson
Tom JG
Brandi K Chaney
Misty Shallcross
Alicia Dansby
Steve Ahner
Jodi Stevens
Cathie Ahner
Stacy Nelson
Lucyna Dorota

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
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Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

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Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
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Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, July 6th, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, July 6th, 2020 was:
Freeport, TX
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 6/29/20 thru 7/05/20 are as follows:
Angela Janisse
Kimberly Snyder
Eleazar Ruiz
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Alicia Johnson
Edward John
Rosanne Clark
Dawn Waddington
Carol Jean
Maria Bouchard
Kim Avery
Jenai Merri
Katrina Worford
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Cathy Ahner
Leigh Reader
Josephine Casey
Rhonda Grisham
Christy Hawkes
Steve Ahner
Shannon Rush
Crystal Dougherty Merrill
Paula Johnson
Madeline Lonergan
Alana Dimambro
Melissa White
Haley Babineau
Kassie Lynn DiFazio
Jenai Merri
Kimberly Snyder
Be Schwerin
Carol Jean
Tammy Lee Stookey
Stacy Nelson
Kim Minton
Gail Yarbrough
Jan Peoples
Jennifer Ramlet
Edward John
Kate Williams
Shannon Rush
Andrea Somers
Jessica Steiner
Samantha Rentschler
Misty Shallcross
Be Schwerin
April Ashcraft
Jessica Steiner
Becky VanGinkel
April Ashcraft
Sean Stover
Katrina Worford
Carrie Vucinaj
Leigh Reader
Josephine Casey
Jennifer Lang
Jenifer Garza
Jill Nauyokas
Debbie Bloxom
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Eleazar Ruiz
Brittney Dorsey
Tiffy Tisdale
Amber Chandler
Sherry Lilly
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Linda Godin
Paula Gillespie
Stacy Nelson
Kimberly Snyder
Rhonda Grisham
Erica Hansen
Wayne Gallas
Amy Conyers
Eleazar Ruiz
Brittney Dorsey
Susan Clarke Jette
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Brooke Scott
Becky Belle
Jennifer Ramlet
Fannie McQuirter Dorsey
Alicia Johnson
Brittany Light
Mary M
Eleazar Ruiz
Karen Ann Hinkle
Haley Babineau
Brittney Dorsey
Darlene Whyte
Kristina Harris
Christy Hawkes
Kassie Lynn DiFazio
Becky Belle
Kimberly Snyder
Rhonda Grisham
LaNique Dees
Angela Janisse
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Melissa White
Pamela Gonzalez
Sherry Lilly
Amy Conyers
Misty Shallcross
Sheila Carvell
Donna Porter
Jennifer Ramlet
Carrie Vucinaj
Lisa A Mazola
Alicia Johnson
Darlene Whyte
Debbie Bloxom
Dale Fish
Madeline Lonergan
Tonya Velazquez
Nelle Moore
Tera Lee Culverwell
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Adaria Johnson
Jane Peterson
Alana Dimambro
Charlotte Dennis
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Gina Guarente Fieger

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….

Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, December 15th, 2019.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, December 15th, 2019 was:
Owosso, MI
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

The drawing entries 12/9/19 thru 12/15/19 are:
Kimberly Nicole
Pamela White Brearley
Be Schwerin
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Stephanie Beckwith
Maria Bouchard
Wendi Black
Lori Sexton Leal
Darlene Whyte
Traci Anderson
Melissa White
Tiffany Borek
Mya Murphy
Stacy Nelson
Kacie Rogers
Rhonda Grisham
Mita Dave
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Carole Jacobs
Brandi K Chaney
Dawn Raasch
Allison Anderson
Miichelle Webb
Sherry Barnes
Amanda Kyrie’ Ayala
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Karyn Koehler
Jennifer Ramlet
Carla Marie
Jenai Merri
Cassandra Berholtz
Andrea Timms-Hill
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Janice McKay Donahue
Samantha Smith
Melissa White
Stephanie Beckwith
Darbie Brown
Katrina Jordan-Worford
Barbara Austin
Tina Mimick
Karen Brunet Moore
Tracy Heyer
LaKishia Wagers
Jenifer Garza
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Lisa A Mazola
Nicole Blaha
Cheryl Ralley-Messick
Melissa Whit
Jeannine Scavo
Jennifer Ramlet
Jenifer Garza
Dean Bruss
Mya Murphy
Nicole Watson
Kassie Lynn DiFazio
Heather Marocco
Michelle Small
April Denise Council-Redmond
Tera Lee Culverwell
Gina Rock
Tina Auth
Misty Shallcross
Jodi Stevens
Anna Nichols
Karen Brunet Moore
Tracy Heyer
Gina Guarente Fieger
Lenis Abshire
Lori Capobianco
Vickie Gipson
Anna Nichols
Lauren Bradley
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Mya Murphy
Kimberly Snyder
Rosanne Clark
Sherry Barnes
Destiny Landsaw Davis
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Eva Biggs
Suzanne Driscoll
April Ashcraft
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Trish Hysell
Johanna Landsaw-Davis
Carla Marie
Madeline Lonergan
MarTez Rodgers
Vickie Gipson
Destiny Landsaw Davis
Dale Fish
Dean Bruss
Rosanne Clark
Andrea Ayala
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Janice McKay Donahue
MarcyLynn Coull
Paula Gillespie
Tom Cavalli
Phylicia Phillips
Angela Meek
Jennifer Leffler
Tearsa D Keith
Esther Harrell Tartaglia
Debbie Erickson
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Sherry Barnes
Carl Buddy Mizell
Sarah Harrison
Brooke Scott
Lauren Bradley
Angela Janisse
Eleazar Ruiz
Dean Bruss
MarcyLynn Coull
Debbie Bloxom
Sherry Lilly
Kimberly Snyder
Karen Brunet Moore
Becky VanGinkel
Rosanne Clark
Cathie Ahner
Ellen Ciambrelli Ferrari
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Nikki Bankert
Barbara Austin
Steve Ahner
Melissa Mae
Pamela White Brearly
Melinda Poullion
Amanda Kyrie’ Ayala
Deborah Thomas
Eleazar Ruiz
Traci Anderson
Kim Avery
Karen Ann Hinkle
Melissa White
Katherine Oliveira
Kimberly Snyder
Jenn Anthony
Timothy Simpson
Dave Miller
Ryan Lerman
Anna Nichols
Shannon Rush
Alyssa DiFazio
Jan Peoples
Be Schwerin
Carmela Ann

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