Summer is winding down and the kids are back to school which means many will be spending more time indoors whether it’s because of the weather cooling off or all that homework that needs to be finished. There are plenty of reasons to maintain outdoor activities into the cooler months for yourself and your family. If you find that you are one of the many people that spend little time outdoors once summer is over or this sounds like someone you know – you may want to keep reading.
Sunlight hitting the skin begins a process that leads to the creation and activation of vitamin D. Studies suggest that vitamin D helps fight certain conditions, from osteoporosis and cancer to depression and heart attacks. Limited sun exposure is a good regimen and shouldn’t just be limited to the summer months.
Light also tends to elevate people’s mood and there’s usually more light available outside than indoors. Getting some sunshine or daylight can improve your mood and ease symptoms of depression. It will also make you more alert and focused to get some natural light on a daily basis. When you are outside you are usually getting more physical activity which has been shown to help people relax and cheer up. If you tend to feel more tired or depressed once summer is over – spending a little more time outdoors may improve this.
If you make getting outside a goal, that means less time in front of the television or computer screen and more time walking and doing other things that put the body in motion. Exercise keeps the body healthy and in motion as well as elevates your mood. Those who get exercise also tend to improve their quality of sleep. Taking a walk during your lunch break or a family walk after dinner can help burn off that extra energy that keeps you up at night. There is a reason kids fall asleep quicker after a day at the park versus a day spent indoors.
While there are plenty of outdoor activities to choose from during the summer – inactivity doesn’t have to start once the pool closes. Throwing an extra layer on in the fall to take a walk or bike ride will help you feel better and can become a family or social activity you’ll look forward to. A short 15 or 20 minute walk with the family can also be a great time to talk to your kids about how their day at school went without just getting a one word answer in between commercial breaks.

Being active outside more often can help kids with health issues such as obesity, reduced symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, increased vitamin D production, which may help protect a child from future bone problems, heart disease, and diabetes; and improved distance vision. It can also familiarize them with their local neighborhood and outdoor environments, boosting their self-confidence.
For adults, spending more time being active outdoors can help with weight management, reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (cognitive function is enhanced by physical activity), increase opportunities for social interactions, an increase in energy and improved immunity and reduced risk of diabetes, heart attack and some forms of cancer.
Adults and children can all benefit from outdoor activities and special times with family and friends that will create memories that last a lifetime!
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In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, August 27th, 2017 was:
Melbourne, FL
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:
Emily Rice Bowersock
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Sheila Carvell
Kelly Jo Francisco
Alicia Smith
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Deborah Farris
Brooke Scott
Traci Anderson
Mary Achio
Jennifer Lee Clack
Michelle Hughes
Melissa White
Diane Hamric
Kayte CookWatts
Michelle Webb
Jennifer Marie
Kathleen Hickman
Kimberly Kuhns
Janice Cash
Jill Nauyokas
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Dean Bruss
Priscilla Shimp
Brandi K Chaney
Mike Adamski
Susanne Killion
Wayne Gallas
Laura Del Robertson Dougherty
Steve Hardy
Mikayla Oakes
Kelly Jo Francisco
Keith Ruff
Nai Merri
Belinda Haas
Be Schwerin
Eleazar Ruiz
Crystal Gipson
Chris Blythe
Sheila Carvell
Deborah Farris
Amanda Rosario
Thalia BunBunz
Paula Rousseau
Jessica Miller
Nai Merri
Michelle Cervantes
Justin Griffis
Phylicia Phillips
Isis Sample
Dustin N Angela Turner
Jennifer Leffler
Steve Hardy
Sarah Harrison
Chris Maxwell
Tabitha Sinks
Lauren Bradley
Sherri Kidwell
Anne Delos Reyes-Villafuerte
Helen Robinson
Christina Domingue
Kayla Clemons
April Ashcraft
Karen Brunet Moore
Bethany Henry
Bea Patrick
Michelle Hughes
Michelle Webb
Anggie Marie
Pamela White Brearley
Lori Capobianco
Mike Adamski
Dean Bruss
Kathleen Newell
Kelly Jo Francisco
Jennifer Ramlet
Tiffany Patrick
Ambreen Rouf
Deborah Farris
Abby Fletcher
Isis Sample
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Christy Hawkes
Brian Fulop
Nai Merri
Deborah Farris
Kelly Jo Francisco
Jonnalyn Gates
Jill Nauyokas
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Vickie Gipson
Melissa Barnes Walker
Jennifer Lee Clack
Abby Cox
Holly Cajigas
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Judy Custer
Chris Blythe
Amanda Nicole Young
Sandy Nevels
Timothy Simpson
Phylicia Phillips
Anna Nichols
Kristi Cervantes
Eleazar Ruiz
Jennifer Vega
Chrissy Kim
Beeg Reeb
Kelly Jo Francisco
Eleazar Ruiz
Rebecca Fauteux
Dean Bruss
Jamie Shapiro
CopperWorks Paul Hardy
Kevin Cusack
Nai Merri
Kathleen Hickman
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Adaria Johnson
Cheryl Hall
Holly Cajigas
Bea Patrick
Paula M Bondy
Kimberly Snyder
Amy Chavis
Sheila Carvell
Wayne Gallas
Stephanie Griffith
Kelly Jo Francisco
Kristina Rosson
Jenifer Garza
Tonya Velazquez
Chrissy Kim
Ashley Agner
Kathleen Hickman
Deborah Farris
Brandi Kerr
Tina Mimick
Destiny Landsaw Davis
Wayne Gallas
Tracy Shafer
Kimberly Snyder
Laurie Griffith
Kristina Harris
Dean Bruss
Kimberly Necolie Garrasi
Anna Nichols
Kendra George
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Jennifer Alford
Carole Jacobs
Hayley Cordaro

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!) 
Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!
Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, August 20th, 2017 was:
St. Catharines ONTARIO
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Brandy Williams
Emily Rice Bowersock
Jennifer Kinner
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Dean Bruss
Trish Musgrave
Nancy Pfirrman Schools
Nai Merri
Phylicia Phillips
Kristen Raia Bowman
Hayley Cordaro
Mya Murphy
Cheryl Hall
Nikki Wooton
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Samantha Smith
Benjamin Odell
Tracy Shafer
Jill Nauyokas
Chris Blythe
Melissa White
Jill Nauyokas
Deborah Farris
Amanda Rosario
Brandi Kerr
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Chris Blythe
Christina Domingue
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Diane Hamric
Brian Fulop
Amanda Peters
Kristina Rosson
Alisa Jones
Trish Marks
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Kayla Clemons
Lisa Puckett
Tonya Velazquez
Ambreen Rouf
Tina Auth
Kendra George
Jill Nauyokas
Jenifer Garza
Isis Sample
Paula Rousseau
Krissy Brislin
Kathleen Newell
Jade Good
Lisa Jimenez
Tara Lennox
Melissa White
Tracy Shafer
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Bethany Henry
Jennifer Alford
Michelle Hughes
Trish Musgrave
Thalia BunBunz
Chris Blythe
Angela Hendricks
Anggie Marie
Heather Marocco
Kelly Jo Francisco
Cheryl Hall
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Tina Marie
Jennifer Ramlet
Jennifer Downing
Jennifer Mason
David M Still
Kristen Raia Bowman
Valerie Kuehn
Ashley Stamey Phllips
Nitasha Shank
Thalia BunBunz
Amber McGrath
Brandy Williams
Sherry Lilly
April Ashcraft
Lauren Bradley
Tina Mimick
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Kayla Clemons
Tabitha Sinks
Sheri Boydston
Brandy Williams
Holly Cajigas
Jenny Merritt
Thomas Ticknor
Jonnalyn Gtes
Brittany Marie Thompson
Michelle Rayeske-Jeske
Hayley Cordaro
Jade Good
Marilyn Wall
Dean Bruss
Edward T Kranick
Lauren Bradley
Paula Rousseau
Trish Marks
Sandy Nevels
Amanda Rosario
Kelly Prestenbach
April Walrath
Mikey Mellor
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Brandi Long
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Dean Bruss
Sheila Carvell
Michelle Hughes
Paula Rivers
Marilyn Wall
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Jennifer Mason
Michelle R. Carlino
Anne Delos Reyes-Villafuerte
Carla M. Williams
Shona Ort
Kimberly Snyder
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Brian K Henson
Karen Rimiller Presley
Paula M Bondy
Brian Fulop
Dale Fish
Suzie Mize Lockhart
Nitasha Shank
Kelly Jo Francisco
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Brittany Deaver
Suzie Mize Lockhart
Juanita Willaims-Jones
Valerie Kuehn
Megan McCarver
Stephanie Beckwith
Tracy Shafer
Alisa Jones
Sherry Lilly
Jessica Miller
Cheryl Hall
Crystal Young
Wayne Gallas
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Bethany Henry
Rachael Dakota-Two-Feather Smith
Mya Murphy
Kelly Prestenbach
Samantha Brwn
Marcy Coull
Trish Marks

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!) 
Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!
Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, August 13th, 2017 was:
Salyersville, KY
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Carole Jacobs
Amanda Rosario
Isis Sample
Alicia Smith
Diane Hamric
Tina Mimick
Carol Yemola
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Brandy Williams
Christy Hawkes
Valerie Kuehn
Carla M. Williams
Michelle Rayeske-Jeske
Kristina Rosson
Brittany Michelle
Mary Storer
Jennifer Anthony
Timothy Simpson
Emily Rice Bowersock
Sheila Carvell
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Crystal Young
Sheila Vives
Nikki Wooton
Shelley LaClear
Vickie Gipson
Anna Nichols
Judy Custer
Samantha Brwn
Misty Shallcross
Eleazar Ruiz
Karen Brunet Moore
Crystal Young
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Brittany Marie Thompson
Michelle Hughes
Jakara Jackson
Ashley Agner
Carole Jacobs
Mya Murphy
Wendi Black
Chrissy Kim
Traci Anderson
Sheila Carvell
Angela Hendricks
Kelly Jo Francisco
Eleazar Ruiz
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Laurie Griffith
Heather Marocco
Joanie Waterman
Kendra George
Amanda Peters
Debbie Smith
Karen Bondehagen
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Brandi K Chaney
Shelley Ann Peoples
Alisa Jones
Amanda Saltsman
Tiffany Banks
Trish Marks
Teena Sierson
Cheryl Hall
Deborah Farris
Tiffany Banks
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Sheila Vives
Kristina Rosson
Anna Nichols
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Diane Hamric
Valerie Kuehn
Samantha Brwn
Susan Clarke Jette
Sheri Boydston
Amanda Rosario
Jade Good
Shelley LaClear
Jennifer Leffler
Poonam Gosain
Laurie Griffith
Kendra George
Krissy Brislin
Eva Biggs
Kellina Fernell Murphy
Mikey Mellor
Lori Capobianco
Amanda Peters
Sheila Carvell
Juanita Williams-Jones
Kelly Jo Francisco
Jan Lehman
Dean Bruss
Kristina Harris
Kendra George
Anggie Marie
Fouad El Shreif
Deborah Farris
Angela Hendricks
Teena Sierson
Jodi Stevens
Kacie Rogers
Brittany Marie Thompson
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Michelle R. Carlino
Barbie Sundy
Kendra George
Cassandra Berholtz
Marilyn Wall
Laura Myers
Jodi Stevens
Brittany Marie Thompson
Sarah Harrison
Jill Nauyokas
Jennifer Lang
Mya Murphy
Dustin N Angela Turner
Emily Rice Bowersock
Geri Rus
Abby Cox
Michelle Hughes
Chris Blythe
Chris Maxwell
Judy Custer
Katt Keane
Brooke Scott
Isis Sample
Kim Floyd
Nancy Pfirrman Schools
Dale Fish
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Krissy Brislin
Chrissy Kim
Amy Conyers
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Jennifer Lang
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Sherri Kidwell
Anne Delos Reyes-Villafuerte
Dawn Raasch
Mike Adamski
Heather Victoria Graves
Kayla Hernandez
Heather Victoria Graves
Cheryl Hall
Brandi K Chaney
Tina Marie
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Joanie Waterman
Morgan Alexandra
Sheila Carvell
Jonnalyn Gates

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

Longtime Arizona senator and former presidential candidate John McCain has been diagnosed with primary glioblastoma, a malignant form of brain cancer. Senator McCain’s office said the diagnosis came after McCain had surgery last week to remove a blood clot above his left eye at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. Lab results from the surgery confirmed the presence of glioblastoma.
McCain is reportedly weighing whether to undergo an aggressive treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, and has not said when he might return to Capitol Hill. Glioblastoma is the most common of all malignant brain tumors, representing 15.4% of all primary brain tumors, according to the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA), who estimate there will be over 12,000 cases before the end of 2017.
With the permission of McCain’s family, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta spoke to doctors involved in the senator’s care. Gupta learned McCain had felt tired over the last few months and had a bout of double vision, but blamed it on his intense travel schedule. Doctors ordered a CAT scan and an MRI scan of McCain’s brain that revealed the tumor.
The symptoms of glioblastoma are usually a result of increased pressure on the brain. The ABTA lists headaches, nausea, vomiting and drowsiness as symptoms for the tumor. Depending on where the tumor is, however, weakness on one side of the body, memory and speech difficulties and visual changes can all be developed as a result.
The ABTA labels the prognosis for glioblastoma survival in terms of median survival — the length of time at which an equal number of patients do better and an equal number of patients do worse. Depending on the type of glioblastoma and treatment used, this can range from 14 months to three years. The association also cites a 2009 study that found 10% of patients with glioblastoma may live five years or longer. The average survival time for malignant glioblastoma is around 14 months with treatment.
There is no specific treatment used for glioblastoma but there are a few different approaches doctors can take. Gupta said “This is a malignant cancer, what that means in this case is that you operate on this,” “It needs to be treated as well with chemotherapy and radiation.”
When a cancer is malignant, cells are dividing uncontrollably and can invade nearby tissues. The cancer cells may also spread to other parts of the body through the blood stream or lymph system in the body. Gupta added because of the nature of the tumor, McCain will likely need more procedures in the coming weeks. “The concern is that it will come back. That’s the big concern with these types of tumors,” he said. “In order to try to give him the best chance at that, it is likely he’ll undergo further treatments over the next several days.”
McCain’s cancer is the same form that claimed the lives of Senator Ted Kennedy and Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Beau Biden. This is not McCain’s first battle with cancer; in 2000 he underwent a procedure to remove a type of skin cancer called melanoma from the left side of his face. McCain, 80, also had a melanoma removed from his left arm in 2000 and another removed from his nose in 2002. Both were determined to be the least dangerous types of melanoma.
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In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, July 16th, 2017 was:
Manchester, CT
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans of either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Jennifer Marie
Christina Domingue
Amanda Rosario
Jane Peterson
Amanda Peters
Diane Hamric
Sarra Baptist
Judy Custer
Kelly Jo Francisco
Chris Maxwell
Jennifer Mason
Tiffany Bank
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Jill Nauyokas
Misty Shallcross
Tabitha Sinks
Jessica Davis
Christy Hawkes
Anggie Marie
Kayla Hernandez
Sheri Boydston
Kelly Jo Francisco
Tabitha Sinks
Isis Sample
Jamie Nash Lewter
Jill Nauyokas
Karen Bondehagen
Cheryl Hall
Jodi Stevens
Amber McGrath
Valerie Kuehn
Sarah Harrison
Dean Bruss
Judy Custer
Teena Sierson
Emily Rice Bowersock
Shameka Barnes
Christy Hawkes
Sheri Boydston
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Kim Avery
Sheri Boydston
Jennifer Mason
Christina Montes
Krissy Brislin
Jane Peterson
Kelly Jo Francisco
Michelle Webb
Kayla Hernandez
Joe Nemeth
Alexandria Fields
Crystal Young
Sherri Kidwell
Jan Lehman
Chrissy Kim
Taschia Miller
Judy Custer
Jennifer Lang
Deborah Farris
Marilyn Wall
Tonya Velazquez
Kelly Jo Francisco
Sheri Boydston
Diane Hamric
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Alisa Jones
Crystal Hazelwood
Kristina Harris
Debbie Burke Garretson
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Sherri Kidwell
Kimberly Snyder
Dean Bruss
Morgan Alexandra
Adaria Johnson
Natasha Berry
Marilyn Wall
Brian Fulop
Zack Sudler
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Kim Avery
Amanda Peters
Isis Sample
Khadijah Carter
Judy Custer
Sherri Kidwell
Kendra George
Bea Patrick
Tina Marie
Anna Ashley Pinder
Candy Dyer
Amanda Peters
Kristina Harris
Jessica Davis
Josh Francisco
Katt Keane
April Ashcraft
Tiffany Green Elliott
Misty Shallcross
Sheri Boydston
Beth Mason
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Kelly Jo Francisco
Peggy Burdick Buchanan
Laura Myers
Amanda Rosario
Sheri Boydston
Diane Hamric
Sherry Lilly
Rebecca Fauteux
Cheryl Hall
Karron Redfield
Jill Nauyokas
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Dean Bruss
Anne Delos Reyes-Villafuerte
Eleazar Ruiz
Tonya Velazquez
Misty Dawn Moores
Danielle Muniz
Trish Musgrave
Adaria Johnson
Kelly Jo Francisco
Sheri Boydston
Sherry Lilly
Rebecca Fauteux
Cheryl Hall
Peggy Burdick Buchanan
Laura Myers
Karron Redfield
Diane Hamric
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Kayla Clemons
Dean Bruss
Jill Nauyokas
Tonya Velazquez
Anne Delos Reyes-Villafuerte
Eleazar Ruiz
Marilyn Wall
Misty Dawn Moores
Trish Musgrave
Amanda Peters

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” both of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events! 
Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, July 2nd, 2017 was:
Minnetonka MN
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans of either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Brittany Marie Thompson
Brittany Whitley
Brandy Williams
Diane Hamric
Nai Merri
Paula Rousseau
Dean Bruss
Christina Domingue
Mary Ann Cody
Christy Hawkes
Tina Mimick
Kendra George
Eleazar Ruiz
Trish Musgrave
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Alicia Smith
Nelle Bailey
Beth Epley Minton
Jennifer Mason
Vickie Gipson
Jennifer Marie
Deborah Farris
Hollie Jahnke
Lotorya Patrick
Mikayla Oakes
Monica Stewart
Kim Avery
Anggie Marie
Jennifer Marie
Nai Merri
Kelly Jo Francisco
Jennifer Ramlet
Nelle Bailey
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Kim Floyd
Emily Rice Bowersock
Beth Epley Minton
Brittany Michelle
Jennifer Fremont
Susanne Killion
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Nancy Scharnhorst
Brooke Scott
Anggie Marie
Jamie Shapiro
Geri Rus
Tara Lennox
Pam Johnson Rowland
Anna Nichols
Deborah Farris
D Shanel Collins
Tonya Velazquez
Dave Miller
Sara Biason
Jennifer Mason
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Alisa Jones
Dan Maloney
Lori Heim
Amanda Rosario
Heather Jacques
Dana Dilaura
Christy Hawkes
Emily Rice Bowersock
Carol Yemola
Paula Rivers
Misty Dawn Moores
Glenna Zanaglio
Dena Baji
Trish Hysell
Andrea Timms
Mike Adamski
April Ashcraft
Michelle Abbott
Amber Hawkins
Priscilla Shimp
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Amber McGrath
Jill Nauyokas
Chris Blythe
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Khadijah Carter
Vickie Gipson
Alexandria Fields
Yvette Mesta
Shelley Ann Peoples
Michelle Cervantes
Susanne Killion
Juanita Williams-Jones
D Shanel Collins
Jill Nauyokas
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Dawn Raasch
Laurie Griffith
Isis Sample
Melissa Barnes Walker
Susanne Killion
Tabitha Sinks
Jade Good
Jennifer Mapes
Crystal Hazelwood
Christine McKinnon
Ambreen Rouf
Kendra George
Melissa Turner Baker
Jeff Gough
Sheila Carvell
Shona Johnson
Dean Bruss
Kelly Jo Francisco
Deborah Farris
Nancy Scharnhorst
Michelle Hughes
Judy Custer
Tonya Velazquez
Sarah Harrison
Amanda Rosario
Crystal Dougherty Merrill
Jackie Hicks
Peggy Burdick Buchanan
Kristina Harris
Jane Peterson
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Rebecca Honey Graham
Kimberly Foster
April Ashcraft
Christine McKinnon
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Diane Hamric
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Melissa White
Kimberly Snyder
Kelly Jo Francisco
Christine McKinnon
Juanita Williams-Jones
Jacqlyn Gummert
Mary Ann Cody
Jennifer Ramlet
Cheryl Hall
Sheri Boydston
Diane Hamric
Mal Rivera
Sheila Carvell
Michelle R. Carlino
Cheryl Golden
Mya Murphy
Nikki Wooton
Cynthia Smith
Michelle Hughes
Misty Dawn Moores
Rebecca Fauteux

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. You may also find that if you “Like” both of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)
Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, June 25th, 2017 was:
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans of either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Allyson Becker
Pamela White Brearley
Samantha Brwn
Jennifer Mapes
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Trish Musgrave
Juanita Williams-Jones
Kathi Taylor
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Christine McKinnon
Emily Rice Bowersock
Nitasha Shank
Shameka Barnes
Sarah Harrison
Jade Good
Crystal Dotson
Brooke Scott
Kelly Jo Francisco
Alisa Jones
Beth Epley Minton
Ashley Agner
Valerie Kuehn
Kelly Jo Francisco
Trish Musgrave
Susanne Killion
Lori Capobianco
Dawn Raasch
Rebecca Fauteux
Amy Chavis
Heather Jacques
Amber Hawkins
Sarah Bellestri Shih
D Shanel Collins
Eleazar Ruiz
Nancy Scharnhorst
Kristina Rosson
Brittany Michelle
Dean Bruss
Marcy Coull
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Sheila Carvell
Chelcie Malow
Vickie Gipson
Sandra Sue Blanton
Christina Domingue
Bea Patrick
Diane Hamric
Kelly Jo Francisco
Lotorya Patrick
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Trish Musgrave
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Deidre LeDoux
Misty Shallcross
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Kim Floyd
Michelle Webb
Nikki Wooton
Jenny Merritt
Kaitlyn Rutherford
Angela Hendricks
Nitasha Shank
Tiffane Sloan
Tracy Shafer
Annette French
Deidre LeDoux
Kelly Jo Francisco
Tina Mimick
Eleazar Ruiz
Sarah Harrison
Nancy Scharnhorst
Traci Anderson
Brandy Williams
Kendra George
Jessica Miller
Brandi K Chaney
Mary Mcmenamy
Penny Fisher
Amanda Rosario
Alexis Maureen
Alisa Jones
Michelle Bartley
Sheila Carvell
Christina Domingue
Deborah Farris
Sarah Harrison
Shannon R Garrett
Lori Capobianco
Kelly Jo Francisco
Amanda Rosario
Brittany Whitley
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Brandy Williams
Crystal Young
Paula Rousseau
Beth Cleveland
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Nitasha Shank
Beth Epley Minton
Emily Rice Bowersock
Annette French
Belinda Haas
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Trish Musgrave
Jennifer Mason
Jade Good
Mary Achio
Tera Wardrip
Sheila Carvell
Darlene Whyte
Tracy Shafer
Jenny Meyers
Brandy Williams
Geri Rus
Michelle Cervantes
Abby Cox
Kelly Jo Francisco
Shameka Barnes
Amanda Rosario
Jessica Miller
Nelle Bailey
Jane Peterson
Monica Stewart
Michelle Hughes
Dale Fish
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Suzie Mize Lockhart
Trish Musgrave
Kelly Jo Francisco
Eleazar Ruiz
Alicia Smith
Amanda Saltsman
Dawn Raasch
Samantha Brwn
Anna Nichols
Beth Epley Minton
Nancy Scharnhorst
Valerie Kuehn
Brandy Williams
Jennifer Marie
Lora Heltne
Althea Thomas
Jenifer Garza
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Rebecca Hueller Crum
Sheila Carvell

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. You may also find that if you “Like” both of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

The gunman who killed three men at a UPS facility in San Francisco and then killed himself has been identified as 38-year-old Jimmy Lam. The victims were Wayne Chan, 56, and Benson Louie, 50, both of San Francisco; and 46-year-old Michael Lefiti of Hercules, California. Two others were shot but survived the Wednesday morning shooting at the UPS San Francisco Customer Center.
Officers responded to a report of an active shooter about 8:55 a.m. local time at the UPS package sorting and delivery facility. When officers entered the building, they found the suspect armed with an assault pistol. The suspect immediately killed himself and no officers fired their weapons during the incident.
Lam, had worked as a driver for the Potrero Hill facility which employs 350 people. He was wearing his uniform during the shooting spree and opened fire on coworkers during a morning meeting for UPS drivers. Joseph Cilia, with a local Teamsters union that represents UPS workers in San Francisco has stated that Lam filed an internal grievance in March saying he was working excessive overtime. Cilia told the Associated Press that Lam did not seem angry when he filed the grievance.
A police official said it appears that Lam felt disrespected by co-workers, but it’s not clear if that was the motivation for the bloodshed. Lam appears to have targeted the three drivers he fatally shot. Shaun Vu, a senior UPS driver, has said Lam also struggled with personal issues and was depressed a few years ago. Vu said that Lam had shown improvement but seemed troubled a few weeks ago-which was around the time he filed the grievance.
Another UPS driver Leopold Parker, who witnessed the shooting, said that he was standing a few feet behind Benson Louie during the morning meeting when Lam walked up and shot Louie in the head. Lam then glanced at Parker but walked the other way so Parker jumped into the cab of his truck and later ran to the roof of the building.
Parker said drivers at the warehouse generally got along and didn’t mind working there. If they did have a problem with colleagues, they would talk to them or ignore them. He also stressed that drivers spent much of their time alone in their trucks, so they had limited interaction with their colleagues. He recalls that Lam sometimes complained about the workload but he never suspected that he would turn violent.
Other witnesses said that Mike “Big Mike” Lefiti was fleeing from the building as Lam followed him into the street and shot him. Mike McDonald, an area resident was walking home from work when he found Lefiti face down, bleeding profusely from the back. McDonald stayed with him and tried to comfort him until help arrived. McDonald said that in his final moments, Lefiti spoke lovingly about his three children. “He said he loves his family, he loves his children and that he didn’t do anything to this man.”
Read more

In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, June 18th, 2017 was:
Tremonton, UT
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans of either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift. Card
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook “fan” on either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Brittany Marie Thompson
Hollie Jahnke
Becky VanGinkel
Lotorya Patrick
Melissa Barnes Walker
Anggie Marie
LaKishia Wagers
Taschia Miller
Sarah Harrison
Brandi Kerr
Janice Cash
Kayla Clemons
Anna Nichols
Isis Sample
Tera Wardrip
Brittany Witley
Karen Bondehagen
Chris Maxwell
Brittany Michelle
Tina Marie
Jamie Suttle
Kelly Jo Francisco
Eleazar Ruiz
Heather Marocco
Carla S-Paige Williams
Priscilla Shimp
D Shanel Collins
Kathleen Hickman
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Lisa David Carr
Rebecca Fauteux
Cheryl Hall
Sheila Carvell
Penny Fisher
Joanie Waterman
Kathi Taylor
Heather Jacques
Michelle Hughes
Tabitha Sinks
Jade Good
Andrea Timms
Missyn Haselby
Kelly Jo Francisco
Tera Wardrip
Alicia Smith
Jenifer Garza
Crystal Young
Samantha Brwn
Christina Montes
Amber McGrath
Morgan Alexandra
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Brittany Michelle
Kendra George
Wendi Black
Kristen Raia Bowman
Stephanie Beckwith
Kathi Taylor
Allyson Becker
Myranda Medlin
Carole Jacobs
Valerie Kuehn
Vickie Gipson
Brittany Whitley
Misty Shallcross
Hollie Jahnke
Lotorya Patrick
Christy Hawkes
Sheila Carvell
Krissy Brislin
Jennifer Leffler
Cheryl Hall
Sammi Palacios
Leslie Wagner Hobson
Wendi Black
Angela N Dustin Turner
Trish Musgrave
Sandra Sue Blanton
Kim Avery
Dena Baji
Christina Radcliff
Michelle Abbott
Barbie Sundy
Michelle Hughes
Karyn Koehler
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Belinda Haas
Michelle Cervantes
Christy Hawkes
Jodi Stevens
Deborah Farris
Sammi Palacios
Juanita Williams-Jones
Lotorya Patrick
Sandy Nevels
Valerie Kuehn
D Shanel Collins
Kim Floyd
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Nelle Bailey
Brooke Scott
Paula Rousseau
Tina Mimick
Bea Patrick
Jade Good
Eleazar Ruiz
Nitasha Shank
Megan Rhyne
Marcia Hutcherson
Valerie Kuehn
Sheila Carvell
Kristina Rosson
Brian K Henson
Sammi Palacios
Ashley Stamey Phillips
Michelle R. Carlino
Chris Maxwell
Sarah Harrison
D Shanel Collins
Cassandra Berholtz
Amber Chandler
Samantha Maxwell
Susanne Killion
Kristina Harris
Tiffany Banks
Brandi K Chaney
Kimberly Snyder
Vickie Gipson
Christina Domingue
Melissa Turner Baker
Joanie Waterman
Ashley Agner
Judy Custer
Shelly Ann Peoples
Jade Good
Jacqlyn Gummert
Kelly Jo Francisco
Michelle R. Carlino
Deborah Farris
Althea Thomas
Lisa Puckett
Diane Hamric
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Sara Biason
Tracy Shafer
Jennifer Ramlet
Kayte CookWatts
Jodi Stevens
Ashley Stamey Phillips

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better. You may also find that if you “Like” both of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX & HI4Eshop Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)
Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn 
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.


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