A Rhode Island teen is being praised for his good deeds after he started buying repossessed storage units to help previous owners recover their belongings. Initially, Shane Jones, 16, started out bidding on the contents of the units as a way for him to make some extra cash over the summer. But it wasn’t long before the Wakefield teen felt that he shouldn’t profit from the items in the units. “I started out thinking that bidding at a storage auction was kind of like a yard sale, but now I know that’s not true. These people didn’t choose to give me this stuff. They didn’t have a choice. It’s almost like a duty to give it back” Shane said.
In August of last year, Shane found a storage unit auction in Providence near his home and decided to put in a bid of $100. He won the auction but when he went to visit the unit he began to feel sad as he sifted through the household goods, stuffed animals, personal mementos and other documents. “I realized then that this wasn’t the same as getting stuff at a yard sale. This guy was in prison, and his storage unit was auctioned off because he couldn’t afford to pay for it. This was probably everything he had left.”
Shane asked his parents Patrick Jones and Sarah Markey, to help him find the original owner’s mother. They eventually located the woman at a retirement home in Providence and then took a trip to return the storage unit’s contents. The woman was thrilled to be reunited with her son’s belongings. Her reaction was enough to spark Shane’s interest and inspire him to keep going.
Since embarking on the project last summer, Shane has helped reunite three families with the contents inside their former storage units. His next storage unit auctions came in October 2020 and January 2021. The October unit contained an address book, which Shane said he used to help him find the original owners’ family. “The couple who rented the locker had passed away, but there was a phone number for their brother-in-law, and he was happy to come out and get everything. He said there were a lot of family heirlooms that could have been lost” Shane said.
Shane easily found the owner of the January unit because her name was on several items. When he connected with the woman he learned she was unable to pay for the unit after losing her job and that she also lost a child to sudden infant death syndrome three years earlier. “All of her baby items and all of her childhood photos were in the storage locker” Shane said. When the woman picked up the items she started to cry saying everything she had to remind her of her baby was in the locker.
Since taking on the storage unit project, word has spread about Shane’s acts of kindness. His mother said that her son has been caught off guard by the attention of his kind acts but hopes that his story will inspire others to do good in their communities. “I couldn’t be more proud of this kid, for going the extra step, for people he doesn’t know. It is actually a lot of work that he puts into this effort. And I think that part of what he has learned by meeting people who he gifted with this kindness is that putting good into the world is one of the most gratifying things that he can do.” she continued.
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Kazi Mannan, owner of the Sakina Halal Grill in Washington, D.C., has been serving meals to the homeless free of charge since he opened in 2013. In the midst of the pandemic, his restaurant suffered a huge loss in revenue and he reached out with a plea for help by setting up a GoFundMe, thankfully-the world listened. People from all over the world including Bangladesh, London, Haiti and elsewhere made donations. So far $328, 441 has been raised, surpassing his $250,000 goal.
Mannan learned to cook from his mother growing up in Pakistan. She also taught him the importance of helping others. “She would always have an extra plate to give to the neighbor. I prayed to God that if I ever have a restaurant, I will announce on the first day that I will bring in the homeless people”, said Kazi. “You can come in hundreds; I will never say no… you’re welcome to eat free with respect and dignity. We will treat you the same.”
Mannan kept that promise but was heartbroken in July when he could no longer afford to serve free meals. “It just hurts,” Mannan said. “Like, you know, it’s in you that you wanted to give, but your pockets are empty.” He never asks for help but when he realized the uncertainty of the pandemic meant he would have to consider closing his restaurant for good, he took a leap of faith.
Mannan’s kindness for feeding thousands of homeless at his restaurant was recognized by a local news outlet in 2018. Sakina Halal Grill looks like your typical high-end restaurant located just blocks from the White House. During the lunchtime rush hour, many customers flock to the grill for the all you can eat buffet of authentic Pakistani-Indian food. From the day he opened the doors, he welcomes all people, whether they can pay for the meal or not and he hopes to continue to be able to do that.
His latest update on his GoFundMe reflects the type of person he is. “ I am speechless and overwhelmed by your support that my human family saw someone falling and they all came together to help me. This is the type of the world I have been preaching for the last 6 years. Where someone falls and without judgment we help them. You are all God angels on this earth. I pray that God sends countless blessings your way. You made dreams alive again. I will make sure we use your donation to make a difference in other people lives. You all stay blessed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Stay tuned for the next update!”
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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, August 2ng, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, August 2nd, 2020 was:
Ashmore IL
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 7/27/20 thru 8/02/20 are as follows:
Jennifer Vega
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Eleazar Ruiz
Sarah Frank
Jenifer Garza
Becky Belle
Alana Dimambro
Christy Hawkes
Lisa Bourlier
Melissa Barnes Walker
Kristina Harris
Gail Yarbrough
Susan Clarke Jette
Sarah Harrison
Robin Pratt
Yolanda Oretega-Hackett
Tina Auth
Michelle Schultz
Karen Brunet Moore
Alexis Maureen
Michael Ingelido
Angela Janisse
Samantha Smith
Andrea Somers
Karen Ann Hinkle
Karen Bondehagen
Karen Rimiller Presley
Kiimberly Snyder
Jenai Merri
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Jennifer Ramlet
Holly Jarczynski-mcdowell
Mary M
Cathy Ahner
Rebecca Crum
Jillian Dollarhide
Taschia Miller
Mike Wallace
Katie Williams
Sean Stover
Katrina Worford
Karen Ann Hinkle
Jasmine Rose
Michael Ingelido
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Debbie Bloxom
Misty Shallcross
Griceldo Castro
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Sarah Frank
Melanie Raman
Kristina Harris
Poonam Gosain
Paula Johnson
Leigh Reader
Vickie Gipson
Nicole Watson
Tonya Velazquez
Josephine Casey
Angela Janisse
Brandy Cardenas
Amber Chandler
Lori Capobianco
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Kristina Harris
Sherry Lilly
Terry Schmitt Sutton
Rhonda Grisham
Naomi Ruth
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Mary Ann Cody
Christy Hawkes
Angela Meek
Lisa David Carr
Brooke Scott
Brittney Dorsey
Andrea Somers
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Melodie Thomas
Carole Jacobs
Fannie McQuirter Dorsey
Linda Godin
Christy Hawkes
Lisa David Carr
Josephine Casey
Shannon Rush
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Paula Johnson
Leigh Reader
Tammy Lee Stookey
Christina Radcliff
Stephen Earl
Naomi Ruth
Kimberly Snyder
Phylicia Phillips
Cathie Ahner
Mike Wallace
Lisa Puckett
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Lesa Moats
Jay Robert
Steve Ahner
Cathy Ahner
Melissa Barnes Walker
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Terri Llexxes
Dawn Waddington
Jenai Merri
Carole Jacobs
Lisa Puckett
Debbie Bloxom
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Lisa Ann Smith
Johanna Landsaw-Davis
Lauren Bradley
Rhonda Grisham
Brooke Scott
Lisa David Carr
Melissa Barnes Walker
Kristina Rosson
Joann Hacker
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Jill Nauyokas
Brandi Gail Manley
Alicia Johnson
Amber Chandler
Josephine Casey
Tonya Velazquez
Shannon Rush
Derek Jennings
Paula M Bondy
Paula Johnson
Joanie Waterman
Leigh Reader
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Dean Bruss
Christy Hawkes
Amber McGrath
Lisa Ann Smith
Angela Janisse
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Christina Cannon
Darlene Whyte
Christy George
Kendra Lynne Ramsey

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….

Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, May 31st, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, May 31st, 2020 was:
Spring Hill, FL
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 5/25/20 thru 5/31/20 are as follows:
Jennifer Lee Nalley
Kristina Harris
Jenn Smith Jackson
Priscilla Shimp
Sheila Carvell
Tom Cavalli
George Pownall
Aimee Munoz
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Kim Avery
Wendy Pesce
Tracy Heyer
Rebecca Crum
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Melissa Shaulis Mazzur
Brooke Scott
Darlene Whyte
Nicole Blaha
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Nikki Nichole
Terry Schmitt Sutton
Kendra Lewis Mcbride
Kimberly Snyder
Shelley Ann Peoples
Angela Janisse
Madeline Lonergan
Stephanie McCoy
Jodi Stevens
Sherry Lilly
Jennifer Ramlet
Sandy Nevels
Sarah Harrison
Rhonda Grisham
Kathleen Hickman
Suzie Mize Lockhart
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Alyssa DiFazio
Jane Peterson
Phylicia Phillips
Tammy Lee Stookey
Becky Hartman
Tom Cavalli
Brandi K Chaney
Kristina Harris
Nicole Blaha
LaKishia Wagers
Mike Wallace
Jay Robert
Dale Fish
Anna Fruzzetti-mcdearmond
Cathy Ahner
Mike Wallace
Cathy Ahner
Becky Holland
Alicia Dansby
Tina Gilbert
Lori Sexton Leal
Theresa Sigourney
Jeani Merri
Barbara Carter
Paula M Bondy
Anne Hanson
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Melissa White
Terry Schmitt Sutton
Melodie Thomas
Amber McGrath
Kristina Harris
LaNique Dees
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Debbie Bloxom
Kimberly Snyder
Rhonda Grisham
Brittney Dorsey
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Melissa Shaulis Mazzur
Andrea Somers
Debbie Nubile
Alisa Jones
Janice McKay Donahue
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Darlene Whyte
Fannie McQuirter Dorsey
George Pownall
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Stephen Earl
Christy Hawkes
Alisa Jones
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Rhonda Grisham
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Meg Marshall
Angela Janisse
Cathie Ahner
Stevie Rosson
Mike Wallace
Aimee Munoz
Alexis Maureen
Phylicia Phillips
Janice McKay Donahue
Holly Jarczyski-mcdowell
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Wendi Black
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Andrea Somers
Sherry Lilly
Mya Murphy
Jennifer Marie
Debbie Bloxom
Melissa White
Tammy Lee Stookey
Josephine Casey
Autumn Dansby
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Angel Shearl
Alicia Dansby
Tom Cavalli
April Ashcraft
Althea Thomas
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Tabitha Sinks
Jill Nagel
Susan Clarke Jette
Kim Avery
Alyssa DiFazio
Tina David Konegan
Kassie Lynn DiFazio
Darlene Whyte
Nicole Blaha
Sandra Thomas
Debbie Bloxom
Adaria Johnson
Carrie Capehart
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Kimberly Nicole
Joanie Waterman
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Tonya Velazguez
Tiffany Patrick
Vickie Gipson
Barbara Austin
Jennifer Ramlet
Kelsey Brooke Vinson
Nicole Blaha
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Paula Johnson
Nelle Bailey
Jenifer Garza
Leigh Reader
Jennifer Kinner
Johann Landsaw-Davis
Stevie Rosson
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Alicia Dansby
Marie Mariani
Maria Bouchard
Nancy Pfirrman Schools
Karen Ann Hinkle
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Brittany Light
Lena Perry
Josephine Casey
Sheila Carvell

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, March 15th, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, March 15th, 2020 was:
Brooklyn, NY
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 3/09/20 thru 3/15/20 are as follows:
Tina Auth
Kristina Rosson
Adaria Johnson
Jodi Stevens
Karen Goodwin Delaney
LaKishia Wagers
Stephanie Beckwith
April Ashcraft
Stacy Draeger-Brogan
Amber McGrath
Joanie Waterman
Tabitha Sinks
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Karron Redfield
Melissa White
Becky VanGinkel
MarcyLynn Coull
Jennifer Vega
Poonam Gosain
Marcia Gauer
Tonya Velazquez
Rebecca Crum
Nicole Blaha
Tabitha Sinks
Ashley Agner
Be Schwerin
Kristina Harris
Beth Kumjian
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Emily Rice Bowersock
Rhonda Grisham
Trish Hysell
Melinda Poullion
Amber McGrath
Mary Pettiford
Amanda Rosario
Alicia Dansby
Dawn Waddington
Jeremy Mclaughlin
Debbie Bloxom
Dawn Raasch
Misty Shallcross
Shannon Schleif
Marcia Gauer
Lauren Bradley
Tonya Velazquez
Kristina Harris
Marie Mariani
Jennifer Ramlet
Adaria Johnson
Janice McKay Donahue
Kimberly Snyder
Annette French
Rhonda Grisham
Madeline Lonergan
Becky Hartman
Tom JG
Jenai Merri
MarcyLynn Coull
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Shannon Schleif
Nicole Blaha
Marcia Gauer
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Christina Domingue
Misty Shallcross
Keith Rauguth
Pamela Gonzalez
Melissa White
Carrie Capehart
Jenai Merri
Alyssa DiFazio
Nicole Watson
Dawn Waddington
Janice McKay Donahue
Kristina Harris
June Rivera
Pamela White Brearley
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Carla Marie
Shannon Schleif
Brittany Doerfler
Pamela Gonzalez
Eleazar Ruiz
Dale Fish
Trish Hysell
Sarah Harrison
Tracy Heyer
KenMar Rodgers
Wendi Black
April Ashcraft
Darlene Whyte
Sandy Nevels
Jennifer Lee Nalley
Anna Nichols
Tera Lee Culverwell
Yolanda Oretag-Hackett
Christina Domingue
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Nacole Patrick
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Nia Rammal
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Nicole Blaha
Kathleen Hickman
Derek Jennings
Marisela Zuniga
Ambreen Javed
Diane Hamric
Dean Bruss
Lauren Bradley
Wendi Black
Hayley Cordaro
Misty Shallcross
Holly Jarczynski-mcdowell
Tina Auth
Alyssa DiFazio
Amanda Reid
Carla Marie
Adaria Johnson
Amy Conyers
Jane Peterson
Dale Fish
Jennifer Vega
Cheryl Ralley-Messick
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Alicia Dansby
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Samantha Smith
Geri Rus
Alisa Jones
Tom JG
Sherri Kidwell
Kathleen Hickman
Nancy Pfirrman Schools
Jennifer Ramlet
Eleazar Ruiz
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Melinda Dreier
Carrie Capehart
Be Schwerin

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….

Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, February 16th, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, February 16th, 2020 was:
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

Trivia Winners & Drawing Entries 2/10/20 thru 2/16/20 are as follows:
Ashley Agner
Tracy Heyer
Rebecca Crum
Diane Hamric
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Sandy Nevels
Jennifer Vega
Jennifer Leffler
Beth Kumjian
Amber McGrath
April Ashcraft
Derek Jennings
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Carole Jacobs
Anna Nichols
Vickie Gipson
Beth Cleveland
Donna Porter
Deborah Thomas
Tonya Velazquez
Darlene Whyte
Jeannie Prosser
Dawna McKnight
Dawn Raasch
Jennifer Vega
Kari Wagoner
Trish Marks
Kathleen Hickman
Gina Guarente Fieger
Kimberly Kay
Lori Capobianco
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Amy Marie Wilkinson
Brittany Seiler
Be Schwerin
Shannon Schleif
Jenai Merri
George Pownall
Maria Bouchard
Janice McKay Donahue
Tracy Heyer
Deborah Thomas
Brandi K Chaney
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Tonya Velazquez
Angela Janisse
Barbara Carter
Jan Lehman
Anne Stull
Sheila Carvell
April Ashcraft
Kimberly Snyder
Jenai Merri
Deborah Thomas
Tabitha Pacheco Willette
Lori Capobianco
Diane Hamric
Lauren Bradley
Tammy Lee Stookey
Cynthia Annette Sanders
Carol Jean
Rhonda Grisham
Wayne Gallas
Deborah Thomas
Be Schwerin
Shannon Schleif
Rhonda Grisham
Lauren Bradley
Nicole Blaha
Sheila Carvell
Dean Bruss
Barbara Austin
Kathleen Hickman
Karen Brunet Moore
Jennifer Vega
Dawn Raasch
Anglea Janisse
Tonya Velazquez
Michael Ingelido
Mita Dave
Karyn Koehler
Becky Hartman
Kim Avery
Cynthia Annette Sanders
Sherri Kidwell
Diane Hamric
Nicole Watson
Kimberly Snyder
Tina Gilbert
Jan Lehman
Brittany Light
MarcyLynn Coull
Marie Mariani
Mya Murphy
Rhonda Grisham
Phylicia Phillips
Alyssa DiFazio
Geri Rus
Anna Nichols
April Ashcraft
Be Schwerin
Megan Dyer
Ashley Sammons
Misty Shallcross
Nicole Watson
Crystal Young
Tiffany Borek
Kendra Lynne Ramsey
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Carmela Glowsinski
Jenifer Garza
Sherry Lilly
Amy Chavis
Lori Sexton Leal
Eva Biggs
Dale Fish
Anna Nichols
Michael Flagg
Jennifer Vega
Maria Bouchard
Melinda Dreier
Megan Dyer
Jenn Anthony
Brittany Light
Angela Janisse
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Cynthia Annette Sanders
Christy Hawkes
Kristina Harris
Pamela White Brearley

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….

Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!
Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

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Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, February 2nd, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, February 2nd, 2020 was:
Malone NY
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

The Trivia Winners and Drawing Entries 01/27/20 through 02/02/2020 are as follows…
Be Schwerin
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Jeannie Prosser
Kim Minton
Rhonda Grisham
Sheila Carvell
Emily Rice Bowersock
Teena Sierson
Dawna McKnight
Wendi Black
Deborah Thomas
Karen Bondehagen
Madeline Lonergan
Susan Clarke Jette
Janice McKay Donahue
Ashley Agner
Donna Chapman Avery
Melissa White
Paula Gillespie
John McKnight
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Jenifer Garza
Melinda Poullion
April Ashcraft
Crystal Young
Paula Johnson
Melinda Deier
Lauren Bradley
Alyssa DiFazio
Amanda Rosario
Amber Critchley
Andrew W Sauer
Amber McGrath
Diane Maxwell
Kristina Rosson
Karen Goodwin Delaney
Sandy Nevels
Be Schwerin
Sheila Carvell
Amanda Rosario
Maggie Smith
Emily Rice Bowersock
Dawn Raasch
Michael Ingelido
Wayne Gallas
Jennifer Ramlet
Be Schwerin
Tiffany Borek
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Vinessa Vasquez
Anna Nichols
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Rhonda Grisham
Dan Maloney
Nia Rammal
Cheryl Ralley-Messick
Melissa D’Ornellas Curtis
Hayley Cordaro
Christy Hawkes
Jeannie Prosser
Robin Griffitts Pratt
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Emily Rice Bowersock
Sherry Lilly
Kayla Williams
Alicia Dansby
Debbie Bloxom
Megan Dyer
Angela Janisse
Donna Chapman Avery
Tonya Velazquez
Ambreen Javed
Nicole Blaha
Rosanne Clark
MarTez Rodgers
Alyssa DiFazio
Thomas Ryan Gan
Haley Babineau
Bobbi Rigby
Sandy Nevels
Wendi Black
Jenifer Garza
Sherry Lilly
Rebecca Crum
Jennifer Lang
Maria Bouchard
Eleazar Ruiz
Anna Nichols
Carol Jean
Misty Shallcross
Edward John
Nancy Pfirrman Schools
Teena Sierson
Eleazar Ruiz
Megan Dyer
Janice McKay Donahue
Alisa Jones
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Jennifer Marie
Rhonda Grisham
Shannon Schleif
Robin Griffitts Pratt
LaKishia Wagers
Cheryl Ralley-Messick
Becky Hartman
Stacy Nelson
Sherri Kidwell
Rhonda Grisham
Eleazar Ruiz
Chelcie Malow
Alana Dimambro
Jenai Merri
Jill Nagel
Tammy Lee Stookey
Jessica Steiner
Sandy Nevels
Angela Janisse
Janice McKay Donahue
Tracy Heyer
Kimberly Taylor Hall
LaKishia Wagers
Rosanne Clark
Diane Hamric
Joanie Waterman
Kizzy Alavarez DeSantis
Renee Klumb Brandt
Rhonda Grisham
Melissa Mae
Ellen Ciambrelli Ferrari
Kimberly Snyder
Amanda Rosario
Amanda Brewer
Jill Nauyokas
Trish Clapper
Brandi K Chaney
Jennifer Ramlet
Lenis Abshire
Jennifer Vega
Susan Clarke Jette
Ambreed Javen
Carrie Capehart
Jenai Merri
Sara Biason
Kim Minton
Kimberly Snyder
Christina Radcliff

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….

Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, January 19th, 2020.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx/VISA gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, January 19th, 2020 was:
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEX/VISA Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex/Visa Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.

The Trivia Winners and Drawing Entries 01/13/20 thru 01/19/2020 are as follows…
Cassandra Berholtz
Lisa Bourlier
Traci Anderson
Shannon Rush
Thomas Ryan Gan
Dale Fish
Ashley Agner
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Tina Auth
Beth Kumjian
Jeannie Prosser
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Ellen Ciambrelli Ferrari
April Ashcraft
Amy Conyers
Chrissy Kim
Cindy Quisenberry
Terry Simon
Mary Mcmenamy
Maggie Smith
Debbie Gremlin
Misty Shallcross
Adaria Johnson
Jennifer Ramlet
Erica Hansen
Lena Perry
Amber McGrath
Jeannie Prosser
Angela Meek
Nancy Scharnhorst
Becky VanGinkel
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Sherri Kidwell
Nicole Blaha
Tina GIlbert
Alicia Johnson
Kathleen Hickman
Christy Hawkes
Trish Dye Masi
Vickie Gipson
Jenai Merri
Kayla Williams
Ellen Ciambrelli Ferrari
Karen Brunet Moore
Paula Gillespie
Melissa White
Dawn Raasch
Brittany Deaver
Carrie Goodin
Carla Marie
Dean Bruss
Shannon Rush
Susan Clarke Jette
Kathleen Hickman
Amy L Sass
Jenai Merri
Paula M Bondy
Kimberly Snyder
Annette French
Vickie Gipson
Rhonda Grisham
Eleazar Ruiz
Brandi K Chaney
Jennifer Vega
Linda Godin
Carla Williams
Jenifer Garza
Jennifer Ramlet
Christy Hawkes
Sherri Kidwell
Jeannie Prosser
Misty Shallcross
Karen Brunet Moore
Andrea Ayala
Kim Avery
Jennifer Vega
Rhonda Grisham
Janice McKay Donahue
Darlene Whyte
Lori Sexton Leal
Maria Bouchard
Nicole Blaha
Kim Minton
Melissa White
Kathy Stevens Ring
Derek Jennings
Tonya Velazquez
Misty Shallcross
Adaria Johnson
Jennifer Ramlet
Erica Hansen
Lena Perry
Amber McGrath
Jeannie Prosser
Angela Meek
Nancy Scharnhorst
Becky VanGinkel
Becca Neuenschwander Long
Sherri Kidwell
Nicole Blaha
Tina GIlbert
Alicia Johnson
Kathleen Hickman
Christy Hawkes
Trish Dye Masi
Vickie Gipson
Jenai Merri
Kayla Williams
Ellen Ciambrelli Ferrari
Karen Brunet Moore
Paula Gillespie
Amanda Justice
Melinda Poullion
Kimberly Snyder
Stacy Nelson
Rhonda Grisham
Kelsey Renee Adcock
Alicia Dansby
Mary Pettiford
Nancy Scharnhorst
Jane Peterson
Debbie Bloxom
Tiffany Banks
Becky Holland
Sheila Carvell
Nikki Hunsaker
Sarah Harrison
Geri Rus
Jill Nauyokas
Be Schwerin
Trish Dye Masi
Sara Bellestri Shih
Angela Janisse
Tabitha Sinks
Karyn Koehler
Paula M Bondy
Bea Patrick
Nacole Patrick
Alicia Johnson
Alana Dimambro
Derek Jennings
Madeline Lonergan
Kristina Harris
Yolanda Ortega-Hackett
Cassandra Berholtz
Mary Mcmenamy
Mary Pettiford
Tina David Konegan
Brandi Lindstrom
Anna Nichols
Misty Shallcross
Amber McGrath

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you! 
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on….
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn

Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC
Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, March 3rd, 2019.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, March 3rd, 2019 was:
Maple Grove MN
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Christy Hawkes
Derek Jennings
Jenifer Garza
Maria Bouchard
Sheila Carvell
Ashley Agner
Brittany Light
Tabitha Sinks
Nikki Hunsaker
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Nicole Blaha
Tracy Heyer
Anna Nichols
Carrie Vucinaj
Kayla Clemons
Marcy Coull
Angela Janisse
Melanie Messing
Robin Jedele
Kimberly Snyder
Brittany Doerfler
Andrew W Sauer
Nicole Blaha
Stevie Rosson
Derek Jennings
Jenifer Garza
Cheryl Hall
Alyssa DiFazio
Be Schwerin
Melissa Barnes Walker
Joanna Hacker
Lenis Abshire
Priscilla Shimp
Jennifer Vega
Dale Fish
Jill Nauyokas
Paula M Bondy
Vickie Gipson
Amanda Saltsman
Shannon Schleif
Kim Avery
Tracy Heyer
Sheila Carvell
Jennifer Ramlet
Kara Kilhoffer
Derek Jennings
Jenifer Garza
Tracy Heyer
April Ashcraft
Cassandra Berholtz
Kacie Rogers
Sheila Carvell
Melissa Turner Baker
Lori Sexton Leal
Rebecca Hueller Crum
Kim Avery
Jill Nauyokas
Marcy Coull
Angela Hendricks
Sarah Frank
Connie Lynn Merritt
Alicia Johnson
Nia Rammal
Beth Kumjian
Dean Bruss
Shannon Rush
Jen Freese
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Bethany Doerfler
Jennifer Vega
Kristi Cervantes
Jenifer Garza
Rosanne Clark
Traci Anderson
Shannon Schleif
Sherry Lilly
Teena Sierson
April Ashcraft
Barbara Carter
Tonya Velazquez
Jillian Dollarhide
Wendi Black
Ashley Agner
Jennifer Ramlet
Shannon Rush
Amber Gildark Lowery
Kassi Krick-King
Nicole Flynn
Christie Marie
Crystal Young
Sarah Frank
Christy Marie
Christy Hawkes
Sarah Frank
Alicia Johnson
Lori Sexton Leal
Melissa Ann Stura-Bassett
Sherri Kidwell
Tabitha Sinks
Pallavi Deshmukh
Amanda Sue
April Ashcraft
Taschia Miller
Samantha Smith
Jennifer Ramlet
Jenifer Garza
Michelle Webb
Lori Capobianco
Cassandra Berholtz
Kimberly Snyder
Nicole Blaha
Sunney Michelle Johnson
Nicole Blaha
Kimberly Snyder
Misty Shallcross
Be Schwerin
Nai Merri
Darlene Whyte
Amie-Lee George
Sarah Harrison
Charlotte Dennis
Sheila Carvell
Nikki Hunsaker
Michael Ingelido
Lori Sexton Leal
Kim Avery
Brandy Marie
Crystal Young
Carole Jacobs
Janice McKay Donahue
Stephanie Beckwith
Kizzy Alvarez DeSantis
Eric Sanders

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC

Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more

Daily HI4E.org Trivia Contest Winners For The Week Ending: Sunday, February 24th, 2019.
In an effort to broaden the company’s “social interaction” with our clients and FaceBook fans, Daily Trivia Questions are posted on both of our business pages. Here are the weekly standings for this past week, and the winner of the Sunday night Weekly Drawing for an AmEx gift card!
Congratulations – To this past week’s Trivia Contest Winner!! Our latest contest winner for the weekly FaceBook HealthInsurance4Everyone/Health & Life Solutions, LLC Trivia Contest, drawn randomly by computer late Sunday evening, February 24th, 2019 was:
Winner Of A $25.00 AmEx Gift Card
Each day, fans who have “liked” either of our company FaceBook pages (HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions LLC) are able to test their skills with our Daily TRIVIA QUESTION. The first 20 winners who post the correct answer to the TRIVIA QUESTION, will then get entered into the weekly drawing held late on Sunday evenings for a $25.00 Am Ex Gift Card.
Weekly Gift Card winners will be posted in our blog at this site. Remember to become a FaceBook fan and “Like and Follow” either of our company pages to enter and post your answers.
Here are the daily contestants from last week’s Trivia Contest that were entered into the Sunday drawing:

The trivia drawing entries 2/18/19 thru 2/24/19 are:
Jodi Stevens
Karen Brunet Moore
Kimberly Snyder
Brandy Marie
April Ashcraft
Jill Nauyokas
Carrie Vucinaj
Sheila Carvell
Kim Avery
Heather Wheeler Shaw
Lisa David Carr
Tonya Velazquez
Jennifer Ramlet
Jenifer Garza
Kathleen Hickman
Tessa Davis
Kristina Harris
Lenis Abshire
Vickie Gipson
Stacy Nelson
Amie-Lee George
Hayley Cordaro
Kimberly Taylor Hall
Nacole Patrick
Mike Adamski
Karen Brunet Moore
April Ashcraft
Tracy Shafer
Kim Avery
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Brittany Light
Christine M Miller-Borowczyk
Jill Nauyokas
Bea Patrick
Michelle Webb
Angela Janisse
Brooke Scott
Ashley Agner
Tracy Heyer
Alyssa DiFazio
Sheila Carvell
Nicole Blaha
Jennifer Ramlet
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Brooke Scott
Jenifer Garza
Dale Fish
Traci Anderson
Rosanne Clark
Holly Cajigas
Maria Skoytellis
Connie Lynn Merritt
Amber Conaway
Derek Jennings
Heather Wheeler Shaw
Megan Rhyne
Beth Johnson Titus
Melissa Barnes Walker
Angela Janisse
Tracy Heyer
Morgan Alexandra
Nelle Bailey
Jill Nauyokas
Be Schwerin
Jenifer Garza
Nacole Patrick
Kellina Fernell Murphy
Nicole Blaha
Christy Hawkes
April Ashcraft
Karen Bondehagen
Stevie Rosson
Priscilla Shimp
Harley Magoon
Melissa Mae
Bea Patrick
Kayla Hernandez
Derek Michelle Polk
Jean Simmons Homfeld
Patricia Oehlert Vazquez
Stephanie Marie Walls
Shannon Scott
April Ashcraft
Alyssa DiFazio
Tiffany Greene Elliott
Jill Nauyokas
Eleazar Ruiz
Marilyn Wall
JR Eddington
Ashley Agner
Jennifer Ramlet
Maria Bouchard
Brandy Marie
Britta Brown Lawson
Mike Adamski
Jeremy Mclaughlin
Dawn Raasch
Sarah Harrison
Kendra George
Althea Thomas
Eva Biggs
Kathleen Hickman
Jill Nauyokas
Jenifer Garza
Amber Chandler
Christy Marie
Joann Tompkins-Winborn
Jakara Jaxn
Alicia Johnson
Josephine Casey
Thalia BinBunz
Angela Janisse
Diane Hamric
Donna Porter
Karen Brunet Moore
Dale Fish
Lori Sexton Leal
Alexis Maureen
Tonya Velazquez
Brooke Scott
Thomas Ryan Gan
Rosanne Clark
Shannon Scott
Andrea Timms-Hill
Kim Avery
Jill Nauyokas
Vickie Gipson
Brandy Marie
Carl Buddy Mizell
Geri Rus
Adaria Johnson
Rebecca Hueller Crum
Dale Fish
Brandi K Chaney
Wayne Gallas
Jennifer Alford
Angela Janisse
Christy Marie
Jennifer Ramlet
Sarah Bellestri Shih
Pam Johnson Rowland
Alisa Jones
Kimberly Snyder

Be sure to watch both of our FaceBook pages for your chance to win and enter again next week, with questions posted daily on HealthInsurance4Everyone or at Health & Life Solutions, LLC!!
Remember that if you try your hand at answering the Trivia Question several days each week, your odds of winning the Sunday weekly drawing are much better.
Also note that a number of the posted answers each day are from contestants who have forgotten to “Like” one of our pages, so their names WILL NOT be entered at the end week drawing for the gift card, giving our fans a better chance!
You may also find that if you “Like” BOTH of the business pages, you will receive faster notifications of the other players as they post their answers to compete with you!
At Health Insurance 4 Everyone, we not only want to improve our customer service but also interact with our customers on a social media level that wasn’t available before. Interested in connecting with us? Look us up on…. 
Twitter: Healthinsurane4 (Follow Us On Twitter To Receive Faster Notifications When Daily Trivia Questions Posted, & To Be Immediately Notified When Weekly AmEX Gift Card Winners Are Announced!!)

Click-On for LinkedIn To Follow Our Posts: LinkedIn
Like us on facebook: HealthInsurance4Everyone or Health & Life Solutions, LLC

Over 54,000 Combined Fans/Followers To Our Social Media Sites, & We’re Growing Daily!
Follow Mark Shuster, Founder/Owner at Health & Life Solutions, LLC for daily health tips!

Mark Shuster FaceBook Link
Follow our word press blog and read about everything from health insurance and reform news to healthy living and current events!

Company Blogs
Find out more about LegalShield, our corporate partner which gives you the power to talk to an attorney about any legal issue, and offering high-quality Identity Theft plans.

Read more